Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 1747: The Dream of Returning to Earth (End)

"If we never met, where would I be ..."

Cell phone ringing thought over and over again and again, a smooth and delicate arm stuck out of the quilt, picked up the phone and retracted.

A few minutes later, the quilt was lifted abruptly, and a pure and feminine girl rubbed her hair and sat up. "Yes, I am Chu Yan, do you say the photo is okay? Good, I will take it in the afternoon."

Chu Yan put down her mobile phone, stretched her waist, just facing the full-length mirror on the wall, and she had not enough sleep on her face. She had slept in the photo studio since last week, and she felt like she had lived a lifetime, and one of them did It's a long dream, but when I think about it, I can't remember it.

She patted her face, then got out of bed, put on her shoes and headed for the wardrobe.

She used to take her parents to take a set of art photos. Now the store lets her take pictures. Fortunately, she is now a senior and has plenty of time. After changing clothes, she walked to the door and returned to the room. Resume on the table.

She had an interview this afternoon. She happened to be two streets away from the photo studio and was ready in advance.

Soon after getting the photo, Chu Yan was very satisfied to see herself wearing the costume on it, and even the shop assistant praised her for being suitable for wearing such clothes.

She touched her face, what kind of life would it be if she lived in ancient times? When Yu Guang glanced at the time on the watch, she immediately put away her things, said goodbye to the clerk, and walked towards the interview place.

The company she is interviewing for this time is the city's premier design company, and it is also the golden signboard of the famous Xiao Group in the country.

I heard that the person in power is the eldest son of the Xiao family, a famous gold bachelor, and I heard that he is handsome and golden, and he has seven outstanding assistants under his hands, namely Feng Ling, Jin Ling, Mu Ling, and Shui Ling. Fire spirit, earth spirit, ethereal spirit.

Chu Yan paid little attention to these gossips, but only thought that this assistant's name was so strange and felt like an ancient killer, so he took care of it.

The interview was on the twelfth floor. Chu Yangang and the security guard stated their identities and quickly walked towards the elevator door.

Because I received a text message notification temporarily, the interview time was half an hour in advance, and it seemed that I would be late. Chu Yan was so miserable that he could only trot with the bag.

There happened to be a group of people coming by. She didn't notice, and ran straight into it, just bumping into the head of the person.

The document in his hand fell to the ground and made a "snap", and Chu Yan stood unstable, thinking that she would also be held in the same place as the document, and her wrist was tightly gripped, and the burning heat penetrated her skin. Directly to her heart, she couldn't help being stupid, and at this moment, the person was also held by the other side.

She went back to God, wanted to thank each other when she stood still, but she looked up and froze.

The man in front of his eyebrows trims his eyes and looks forward to looking forward to Ronghua. He is naturally elegant, with a high temperament, and his eyes turn first-rate, and all the starlight is precipitated.

It is difficult for her to use words to describe the appearance of people enough to reverse the sentient beings. In her lifetime, she actually looked at a strange man.

Xiao Xu looked at the girl in front, exquisite facial features, bright brilliance, healthy pink on her cheeks, and a simple suit, but she outlined her exquisite figure, her black hair **** high, the whole person Looks bright and energetic.

His eyes were locked on her, "Have I seen you somewhere?"

Dreaming back at midnight, the smile was always in front of him.

In the interview office on the twelfth floor, Turing glanced at his watch, and he couldn't help wondering, did the boss just say that he was already downstairs? Why haven't you arrived yet?

He thought for a moment, and said to the two interviewers around him, "Feng Ling, Fire Ling, let's start, and then report to him when the boss arrives."

This time the company recruits all the elites, so they will dispatch these people, even the boss also participates in person, there must be no difference.

Feng Ling and Fire Ling did not have an opinion, Tu Ling gave a signal to his subordinates, and soon there were interviewers pushing in the door.

"Good for the three interviewers. My name is Huang Yi."

This Huanghuang Mingcui's voice slammed into the ear of Earth Spirit. He couldn't help looking up, and the girl with a bright eye broke into his eyes.

I can't wait for you in this life, I'll wait for the next.

Finally, let me wait for you.

(An An: An's purpose is not to stay and regret it! The earth spirit is also complete. Although the ancient stories are finished, there are modern reunions, but you can only supplement the rest of the stories. If you like, you can The book review area writes modern little stories by itself, and Lele Le is not as good as Zhong Le Le! Hehe, it is finally over, thank you for your love and company! I wish everyone a happy New Year in advance, health and peace, and happiness. Goodbye Luo!

Caicai: Everyone in the world will banquet, bye!

Big Ice Cube: Thanks for being with you, bye!

Wooden spirit count: the last one is up! It ’s really the last one. The song ends and the subordinates have to close the curtain. The future will be endless! )