Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Chapter 1746: People passing by

A month ago, the couple and the couple waiting for the good news came to the base camp of Lanzhuang together, and were warmly received by Sima Jun and Ji Linyang.

But for Chu Qingyan, Pang Yuejing and Sima Jun, this meeting was a terrible weep!

It started because of the hot spring incident.

I don't know who said aloud, and the three of them started talking to each other.

Chu Qingyan: "Have you experienced the 2008 Olympic Games?"

Pang Yuejing: "I have also experienced the Olympic Games in the year or two. At that time, I went to the scene to cheer our Olympic athletes!"

Sima Jun: "It's a pity I haven't seen the Olympic Games in one or six years!"


After talking about modern things, the three of them talked silently, and then they clung together in a very tacit manner.

"Let's be the same!"

"Why did you meet each other when meeting?"

"Baby thought I was the only one wearing it!"


Sima Jun coughed and looked at Chu Qingyan with guilt. "Actually, I recognized you very early, but I see that you are doing well, and that someone is with you, so you do n’t recognize you. To your life. "

Chu Qingyan held her hand and smiled, "It doesn't matter, we know each other well now."

Pang Yuejing lay on the edge of the pool and looked at the two in front of her. She turned her eyes and said, "Are you saying that there will be people passing by besides us?"

Sima Jun dialed his long wet hair, "It's hard to say, after all, it's not uncommon to pass through these years."

Chu Qingyan nodded, "Now there is no barrier to entry, there is no one, good or bad, we should not easily reveal our identity."

Pang Yuejing thought deeply, "Yes, have you ever wondered why we came here through time and space?"

Sima Jun raised his eyebrows and showed a smile full of ambition, "It must be for me to show my strength in this world!"

Chu Qingyan tilted her head, "looking for happiness."

If Xiao Xu were here, the answer would be, "She came to redeem me."

Pang Yuejing held her chin and smiled Yingying, "Then I should be here to save the common people. Why am I so great? Hahaha--"

Looking back on the past few years and the current peaceful times, the three looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

The hot spring pool next door is not as lively as theirs, but rather cold.

At this moment, when they heard their arrogant wanton laughter, the three handsome men raised their eyebrows.

What happened so funny?

Soon they knew why.

Because their daughter-in-law no longer turned around them, but gathered together, mysteriously wondering what was being tinkered with.

Finally, one day, Xiao Xu couldn't bear the three and was ready to take someone.

Go to the door and hear the voice inside.

Chu Qingyan: "I remember I came through after a sleep, this method of sleeping should not work."

Pang Yuejing didn't know what to say, and heard Sima Jun said, "I fell into the water and was sucked here by the vortex. Maybe I can go back after another jump."

Xiao Xu Xiao Hou Ji Linyang's face was extremely dark. The origin of the daughter-in-law, they already knew, and now when they heard how they were going to go back, a huge wave broke in their hearts.

The three looked at each other and pushed in to catch someone.

The three then became tacit and no longer allowed the three women to get together alone.

So that every time a **** becomes a sixsome, they are grieving.

Who made these stink men misunderstand them without listening to their explanations.

They have no thief and no guts, they cannot go back, and they are not allowed to discuss it! Free speech now!

Who said that only women and villains in the world are difficult to raise? Obviously, it's just being stingy, it's right for men to be difficult to raise!

The riders of Xiaolie Ride have found happiness and achieved positive results with those who love each other.

Jin Ling and Yang Xiaohuan have an abacus husband and wife team, and they are in charge of the business of Jiangnan and other places for their own little princess.

Mu Ling harvested a beautiful heart with the woodcarving in her hand, and lived a happy life of harmony and beauty.

Feng Ling's body recovered as before, and she took charge of Xiao Lie Riding again. After she got married with Shui Ling, she gave birth to a man and a woman. This is a great harvest of career love.

Fire spirit and Jasper's long-lasting affection, and cultivated positive results.

The pair of emperors, Cheng Lingluo and Cheng Yanluo, have experienced so many ordeals and will never be separated easily, giving birth to one future little doctor.

When everyone is happy, only one person is often silent and silent about the moon.

That is the earth spirit.

Many people wanted to introduce him, but he declined.

Someone was already in his heart.

Knowing that the beauties had gone, she could not wait.

He also stubbornly waited. There is no possibility in this life, and there is also the next life.

He couldn't forget the woman with bright eyes.

Flowing water and falling flowers go to spring, every year, every year, every day | day, heaven and earth.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

Xixuan Palace is lively again.

In the Royal Garden, there are more than a dozen children sitting on the plate. There are men and women with different costumes, but the common features are handsome and pretty. Although they are not old, they can be expected to be in a few years. , This group of pink makeup and jade dolls grow up as adults, how going out is a curse on earth!

Wearing a black brocade is Xiao Huizheng. He is the eldest son of Xiao Xu and Chu Qingyan. He is noble, like Xiao Xu ’s smaller version. On his left is a brother and sister of a dragon and a baby, called Xiao Huixing, a His name is Xiao Huiyue, and on his right is his youngest brother, Xiao Huiyun.

Opposite Xiao Huizhen is Xiao Yuzhen, and on the left hand side are her two younger brothers, one is Xiao Yurong and the other is Xiao Yumu.

Sitting to the west is Xiao Yao, the eldest son of Xiao Yao, wearing a bright yellow robe with a small face smiling like his father, oh yes, his father threw the throne with him three years ago. When he is young, he will pull civil and military officials together to go to a well-off society. He often laments the moon and distresses himself.

At this time, Xiao Ziyu was sitting beside her three younger brothers and sisters, followed by the second younger Xiao Zijun, the third younger Xiao Zifu, and the fourth younger Xiao Zirong.

The original palace was not so lively except for the New Year, but because the emperor was going to have an eighty birthday, everyone didn't return far away.

Xiao Ziyi turned the dice in his hand and glanced over the crowd present, "Old rules, a game will be won!"

Xiao Huiying raised his eyebrows, holding his shoulders. Although he didn't want to play this game with this brother, he had promised it before. It was not easy to regret it. He looked at the two brothers sitting next to him and nodded in anguish.

Xiao Huixing and Xiao Huiyun nodded when their elder brother responded.

Xiao Zizhen looked at the other two, Xiao Yurong and Xiao Yumu looked at each other and nodded.

"Okay, whoever shakes up the idea is small, even if he loses." Xiao Ziyi smiled badly.

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Yuzheng and his other sisters rolled their eyes in boring. Last year was better than archery. Last year was better than rock-paper-scissors. This year, playing dice is really not growing, but who is the one who lost it this year, they are still very curious.

After half an hour, Xiao Yumu raised his hand to cover his face, lying down, why he was so unlucky, and shaken out three points.

Xiao Huizhang stood up and left with three brothers and sisters.

Xiao Yu shook his head in anger.

Xiao Zi smiled, took off his robe, took off the dragon crown and placed it next to Xiao Yumu. A young boy patted his shoulders. "Xixuan Jiangshan will be handed over to you in the future. Far away! "

After that, Xiao Ziyi took his three siblings and laughed away.

Xiao Yurong looked at his younger brother gleefully, "I seem to see Brother Ziyu becoming a thousand."

Xiao Yumu held the full robe and looked at the direction of running smokeless, gritted his teeth, "Xiao! Son! Alas! You! This! A! Soul! Light!"

Such a game will be staged every few years, and it is full of tricks.

Do you like my sword? Simple, you will be the emperor for me! Not to mention this sword, the entire arsenal will be sent to you!

Oh, do you owe my family money? Simple, you can manage for me, the debt is written off!


The so-called sword, debt, how many people are planning?

Fighting wisdom and courage, year after year passed, no wonder.

So the daily life of the royal brothers is like this:

People usually ask when they meet. Have you eaten yet? They are, have you been an emperor this year?

As the civil and military hundred officials of the generation of Xuan Xuan, they are the most bitter courtiers in history. They have become accustomed to going up each time.

It can be described as the iron emperor, the emperor who is flowing.

So that no one dares to plug her daughter into the harem, and she is afraid that she will become a concubine soon, concubine ...

Throughout the court, there was a rare harmonious faction, because each new emperor had different methods, but they were bitter.

Speaking of which you may not believe, I am already a veteran of the Four Dynasties.

Speaking of which you may not believe, I am already a veteran of the Six Dynasties.


Oh, it seems that the elders of the several dynasties are no longer valuable, and they still work hard!