Friends Without Benefits

Chapter 5

The fucker gets to walk because his lawyer got him out of Callie's charges against him." Clyde stabbed at the food on his plate, as if to direct his anger toward that. "I'll kill Boyd myself when I get the chance."

Ryan nodded and continued typing away on his cellphone. He was making plans to see Agatha tonight at Brother's. He quickly learned it was Callie's favorite bar, but she wouldn't be there on this particular Friday night. She was meeting a potential business partner at her favorite Greek restaurant.

"For someone who looked more pissed than I did, you seem to not give a flying fuck."

"Maybe because I don't," Ryan said, casually shrugging. "Ethan did something fucked up. Callie healed. What's there to be angry about?"

"No one should ever get away with rape, Ryan." Clyde scoffed when Ryan shrugged again. "I thought you cared about her."

"I do," he told Clyde. "But your sister isn't my fucking priority, Montgomery."

"Well, she's my priority," Clyde sternly said, shaking his head in disbelief. "By the way, don't ever fucking sleep in the same bed as her again."

Ryan watched as his best mate threw two twenties onto the table and stormed out of the Bristol. Clyde's anger about Ryan sharing a bed with Callie only proved how angry he'd be if he ever found out what Ryan and Callie had done while Clyde was in the other room.

The memories of Callie's body and the faces she made as she came only frustrated Ryan more. He couldn't stand that she hadn't spoken to him in over a week.

So he searched for her in his contacts and pressed his phone to his ear as he left the Bristol, deciding to walk the one block to Solar Point Tower.

"I'm busy, Ryan," she said when she answered the line. She sounded breathless and slightly exhausted.

"I've decided to give you a ring to say hello, darling."

"You've said your hello," she muttered, sighing. "Is that all?"

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet," she curtly replied. She sighed again and then moaned.

That much earned a wince from Ryan. "Christ, babe, what are you doing right now? Are you with someone?"

She whimpered, panted into the receiver and whispered, "Ryan, I can't fucking come without you."

"Fuck, are you touching yourself?"

She responded with a hum. "I haven't touched you in days, Ryan. I'm going crazy, and I can only pretend my fucking fingers are your cock inside me."

"You make it difficult to be just friends," he murmured, pinching the bridge on his nose. He stopped on the corner of the street and looked both ways, but he wasn't looking for oncoming cars. He was making certain no one would hear what he would say next. "Touch your clit, sweetheart. Touch it like it's my tongue fucking you."

She let a shuddering breath escape her and whimpered. Ryan could only imagine her back arching off the bed or whatever surface she was on. "What else should I do?"

"Are you wet?"


"Holy fuck," he rasped as he crossed the street and slowed his walking pace. "Two fingers, babe. Put them inside you and tell me how good that feels."

"So fucking good," she murmured through a suppressed moan. "Another?"

"Yes," he replied to her. "Imagine that it's my cock fucking you, moving in and out of your dripping pussy."

She gasped.

It only made him grin as he walked past Solar Point Tower to give himself more time. "Can you feel me? Can you feel my cock?"

"Yes," she hissed.

"Fuck your pussy harder."

"I'm close."

"Close enough to come?"

She replied with a noise between a moan and a giggle.

"Good, sweetheart." He cleared his throat when a hand clasped around his shoulder, pulling him to an abrupt stop.

"Your office is up there, idiot," Clyde said, eyebrow raised. "You coming up or not?"

"Give me a second," Ryan said, grinning. He waited until Clyde was out of sight to continue his phone conversation. "Are you still there, my lovely?"

"Yes," she cried. Ryan could hear the sound of her fingers fucking herself, could hear how wet she was for him. "Now make me come."

"Take your fingers out," he demanded. "Rub your clit, and when you're close enough, put those sexy little fingers back inside you where my cock should be."

Callie did as she was told and cursed under her breath when she nearly tipped off the edge. "Don't torture me."

"Fuck your clit," he said, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. He wanted to bite her clit as hard as he had bitten himself. "Fuck it until you come and fucking scream for me."

He could hear her breathing pick up. He could the sounds of her clit against her finger and the moans she didn't bother holding back. And then he heard the moment she screamed, panting his name into the empty air.

He groaned, pressed a hand to the building to maintain his balance and fought to catch his own breath through her release. "Fuck, where are you?"

"Your apartment," she said once she had found her breath again. "In the bed you fucked me in. I guess I just missed you."

"I'm coming to you."

"You have to work."

"I honestly don't give a fuck," he said, chuckling. His voice was raspy, heavy and strained. "Stay there, my love."

• • • • •

Callie yearned to touch herself again, yearned to come on her own fingers like she had never done. But she knew she couldn't without Ryan.

It was as if he had power over her. He had the power to make her weak, the power to make her invincible, and the ultimate power to make her crave him at all times.

How could she have only wanted him for eight long years?

"I hope those fingers still taste like your sexy cunt," Ryan said as he tugged at the tie around his neck. He slowly undressed and grinned when Callie's tongue darted out to lick her lips. "You shouldn't do that when we're only friends."

She bit her lip, arched her back off the mattress and deeply moaned when her fingers dipped into her pussy lips. "Come touch me, Ryan."

"Tempting," he muttered, crawling over her beautiful body. He took her hand into his and brought it to his lips. He sucked the tips of her fingers and grunted when he tasted the evidence of her pleasure there. "We can't do this anymore, love. It was a really close call with your brother today."

"He couldn't have known it was me on the phone," she said, smirking. "I thought a lot about this. I want your body, your cock, your lips. We can still be friends."

"What about your brother?"

"We don't have to tell him."

"As much as I want you," he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek, "my friendship with your brother means too much to me to throw away for someone who doesn't want more."

"Want more?"

He nodded, pulled away from her and rolled her body into his arms. "How about we just rest for now?"

"Do you want more?" she wondered out loud.

"Sleep, love. I've exhausted you already."

"Ryan," she whispered, running her fingertips over his delicately rough features, "please talk to me. I'll open up to you. I'll do anything you want. Please tell me what's on your mind."

He shushed her, pressed a chaste kiss to her lips then wrapped his arms around her body. "You're the only thing that's ever on my mind.