Friends Without Benefits

Chapter 4

Ryan couldn't leave the comfort of his bed in the morning. Callie was soundly asleep beside him, her arm thrown over his middle as she bent into the shape of his body. It was a comfortable feeling to be held, and it was an even better feeling to know that the warmth of his body had stopped her sobbing through the night.

She shifted beside him, pressed her sex against his morning erection and earned a low groan from him in response.

"I hope that doesn't wake you," he murmured, caressing her mess of wavy hair. He groaned again when she shivered, and his cock instinctively twitch in the direction of her entrance. Fuck, he wanted to be buried deep inside her like he had been once before.

Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he pulled her head back and pressed a kiss to her neck, humming into it. It was so wrong to touch her this way, considering the night before, but he couldn't help himself.

"Ryan," she whispered, threading her hands through his dark hair to pull him closer. She moaned when his lips moved over her collarbone and then over her erected nipple. How could he still have this effect on her?

"Good morning, love," he muttered against her skin. His mouth latched on to her nipple and sucked it, tugging at the other one with his thumb and pointer finger. "Your tits are fucking amazing. Have they always been this beautiful?"

She pulled his thumb into her mouth and sucked on it, imagining it to be his cock. "Clyde crashed on your couch last night."

"Yeah?" he asked, crushing her body beneath his. He rocked his hips and pressed his cock deeper against her sex. "I don't give a fuck."

She was wearing his t-shirt, which he had pushed over her chest, and from the dampness he felt against his sweats, he could tell she took her panties off last night without him knowing. The thought alone of her wearing nothing but that t-shirt made him heavier with need.

But he reluctantly rolled onto his side and threw an arm over his eyes, fighting to regain his breath. "Did Clyde come to check on you?"

She shook her head even though he couldn't see her, but he definitely felt the movement against his bicep. "He would have killed you for being this close to me."

"You expect me sleep on the floor while you're practically naked in my bed?" He humorlessly chuckled and turned back to her, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "How are you feeling since last night?"

"I just want to forget," she said, running her fingers over his hard chest. It was instinct to touch him, and neither one of them thought anything of it as he caught her fingers. "Make me forget, Ryan."

"Not this way," he whispered with the slight shake of his head. He kissed her fingertips and released them with a soft sigh. "Do you want to shower first or should I?"

"You should go first," she said, smirking at the erection bulging from underneath the comforter. "Or I can suck you off."

He grunted when she grasped his cock and slowly stroked him. "Sweetheart, no. You're still healing from yesterday."

"I've forgotten. I'm healed."

He shook his head, but his cock disagreed when she lowered her lips over his tip. "Callie, I won't take advantage of you like this."

"Please, Ryan," she said, looking up to meet his gaze. "I really need you."

He wanted to tell her to stop, tell her that he'd hold her instead, but the pleading in her eyes made him completely weak. "Alright, love. I care about you, you know?"

She nodded, slid his cock into her mouth and wrapped her hand around the rest of his length. She moaned, sent a vibration through him and released him with a pop. His cock pressed against his navel, and her tongued trailed over the veins popping from his flesh.

"Fuck," he groaned, fisting her long hair. "Yes, love. Let me fuck your mouth."

She gagged when he guided his cock into her mouth again and jerked his hips upward, fucking his way to the back of her throat. Her teeth gently grazed his shaft as he unapologetically pummeled into her, and he held his breath as the pleasure completely took over the existence of his oxygen source.

She grasped his cock and pulled herself up to straddle him before guiding him to her entrance. She grinned when his eyes widened, and he desperately shook his head. "I'm okay now, Ryan. I trust you."

"Do you really want this?"

"Yes," she hissed as he pumped upward into her. Her body fell over his, and he successfully caught a nipple into his mouth as he cupped her ass in his hands to gain momentum.

The bed creaked beneath them, and he was certain Clyde would be able to hear the moans and heavy breathing from where he slept in the living room, but he just didn't care.

"Fuck me harder," she begged, whimpering into the crook of his neck. "Harder, Ryan."

He didn't know just how much harder or faster he could manage when he was already fucking her harder than he had intended to. But he rolled her onto her back and gripped her knees, spreading her wider for better access.

He pressed her body into the mattress, buried himself deeper into her until he could only feel her clenching insides. They were tangled in the bed sheets, two sweating bodies joined as one.

"Come for me, love," he growled, thrusting faster than he thought possible.

She took his hand and covered her mouth with it, screaming in to it as her orgasm tore her apart. She could feel where she released around him, where her come marked the bed sheets.

Ryan wasn't breathing when he climaxed inside her, releasing himself as he withdrew from her and dripped over her clit. He lowered his mouth to hers and breathed deeply into it as they shared an exhilarating and heavily passionately kiss.

The weight of his body dropped over hers and he panted into her cleavage. Then he broke away and pulled his shirt over her body, covering the view that would forever tempt him. "I hope you're still taking birth control."

"I am," she said, frowning. "This is the second time we've fucked without a condom. Do I need to get tested?"

He chuckled, but it wasn't out of humor. "I'm not barbaric, love. You weren't with Ethan like this, right?"

"This, as in?"

"As in bare," he said. His entire demeanor had changed in a matter of seconds.

"Is this a territorial thing again?"

He shook his head. "I'm genuinely asking."

"No, I haven't been with any man like this." She deeply sighed and sat up, taking his hand with her to kiss it. "And only you have ever made me come like that. I thought there was something wrong with me for a long time."

He pulled her on top of him and gave her an amused smile. "That boosts my ego quite a bit, darling."

She giggled, dropped her head onto his chest and sighed. "We can't do this again, Ryan."

"I had a feeling you were going to say that," he murmured. He could feel her hair against his lips, and the natural scent of peppermint flooded his nostrils.

"I hope you understand. This friendship means too much to me to let lust ruin it."

"We're already halfway there, Callie." He had to admit he was relieved when she was the one to get up first. Then he stood, grabbed a towel from his closet and walked into the bathroom, despite Callie's voice calling after him. "Besides, we can't deceive Clyde."

"You hate me," she said, storming into the bathroom. She ducked in front of him when he tried to step into the shower and palmed his chest. "Look at me, Ryan."

He met her glistening hazel eyes and cursed when he realized she was on the verge of tears. "Don't do this, alright? I'm too fucking weak when you do this."

"Do what?" she asked, her lips quivering.

"Cry," he all but shouted. "Don't fucking do that."

She bit her lip and nodded. "I won't."

"No, sweetheart," he whispered, shaking his head. "I just can't trust myself if you do. The second I touch your body again, I'll want to do more than just comfort you. But that's not what you want."

She shuddered when he twisted a lock of her hair around his finger, urging her a step closer. "One last kiss then."

"I won't live with that."


So he kissed her, and the burning desire he had felt since their night nearly eight years ago surged through them in that one moment. He threaded his hands through hair and hoisted her onto the edge of the sink, his cock rolling against her navel.

Her hand stroked him, slid him over her clit and to her entrance where he sank into her. "Fuck me again. Fuck me like it's the last time."

It would be the last time, he wanted to tell her. He had to give her what she wanted - a friendship without the sexual benefits. He had to be a better friend to her brother who didn't fuck Callie behind the scenes.

He kissed her ear, kissed her neck and then kissed her delicate lips. "Whatever you want, my love."