Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 940

At the insistence of Yun, blue city finally accepted his plan.

He walked out of his fragrant "home", followed the village road to another wooden house, came to the yard, opened the wooden door of the cellar, and looked back at them.

He pressed Zhuang Diandian's shoulder and said, "you stay here, I'll go in with him."

Soon, the two came out.

Blue city is carrying a medicine box. As soon as he sees Zhuang Diandian, he is about to open his mouth. Zhuang Diandian swings his fist at him. He didn't speak any more and went out over her.

Attack soil moisture Yun to come over, smile rather than smile of pinch her face, say: "no matter is in which world, which face, you still really don't give me worry!"

"Misunderstanding! It's definitely a misunderstanding Zhuang Diandian was forced to hold his head high and scream for pain.

The smile on the face of attack soil moisture Yun suddenly gather down, "next time you don't have so good luck!"

Staring at his unruly back, Zhuang Diandian looks upset. What's the matter with her? Is it wrong to be too charming? The people's eyes are all bright, one can find her advantages, has anything to do with her?

Back at Han Xiang's residence, LAN Cheng looks at the row of former brothers. Now he looks at himself coldly or resentfully. He puts down the medicine box without expression and takes out an injection from it to prepare for injection.

Daniel glared at him, "I've always regarded you as my brother! Originally, you are using us

Someone immediately called out, "he's not making use of it. He's killing us!"

"That's right. He's responsible for all the things we're living like death!"

Blue city just listened and didn't say a word.

"I'm not sure about the properties of these drugs, so you have the right to refuse," he said

Daniel was the first one to come forward: "it's already like this. If you can be poisoned all of a sudden, it's a relief!"

Others followed him. Blue city pushed the medicine into Daniel's body. Daniel looked at him before he left. "I wish I didn't know you!"

Blue city's hand stagnated, eyebrows slightly twitch, soon returned to normal.

After all the people were injected, he asked them to sit down again, found a weight, and carried a rope at one end of it, "all look at me..."

Zhuang Diandian is eating dried meat. She doesn't know that Yun can hypnotize her!

Blue city also looked coldly at him. After standing for a while, he couldn't stand it and had to sit on the steps. Every deep breath in his chest hurt badly.

Raise head, indignant ground stares to attack moisture Yun, this man at that time is to want to kill him!

To attack the soil moisture Yun gave everyone psychological hint, will wake up, and then, is quietly waiting for the arrival of the night.

During this period, Zhuang Diandian went to deliver food to Han Xiang. As soon as she saw Zhuang Diandian, she shrank to the corner and watched her warily, "you just stand there! Don't come here

Zhuang Diandian just didn't hear it. After putting the food in front of her, he got up and wanted to leave. Han Xiang was stunned and quickly called her, "sister..."

Seeing the goose bumps on his skin, Zhuang Diandian turned around stiffly, with a smile on Hanxiang's face, trying to put a soft tone, "it was all my fault before, you should let me go, regardless of the villains."

Chuang Dian Dian was happy, "let's talk about the next problem."


She calmed down and said, "don't blame me for not reminding you. This virus is very evil. I've studied it for so many years, and I'm the one who knows it best! "

This aroused the interest of Zhuang Diandian, "Oh?" It's really evil enough to make people's bodies change and become strong and invincible.

With a proud smile, "moreover, we have updated it to the most perfect state!"

Zhuang Diandian went to her and sat directly in front of her, "where is the source of the poison?"

"Why? Didn't blue city tell you? " "I thought he would give the source poison to you if he liked you so much," he said

Without saying a word, Zhuang Dian clenched his fist.

Han Xiang's face changed, and finally he said with no expression: "the source poison is for you, you let me go." She said calmly, "how can I cooperate with a smart person like Lucio without any preparation? So, after upgrading the virus, I have done a good deal! Once I have something, three days later, the virus will leak immediately! "

She said, a gloomy smile, "at that time, people from all over the world will come to bury me!"

Zhuang Diandian really wants to slap her to death! It's so bad that it's oily!

"You're better than Lucio." She said from the bottom of her heart.

Han Xiang didn't care about pulling his lips, "if he hadn't given the virus, would it be today? I'm just protecting myself. " She looked at Zhuang Diandian and laughed mysteriously: "so, you ask you to let me go."

Zhuang Diandian looked at her, stood up, turned and left.

"Hello! Did you hear me? I want you to let me go Then there was a series of curses.Daniel was standing in the yard, looking at the sky helplessly. Zhuang Diandian went over and looked up at the sky, "waiting for the meat bun?"

Daniel looked back and gave her a simple smile, "I just want to ask God, why do you want me to meet this kind of thing!"

Zhuang Diandian slapped him on the head very impolitely, "God let you live until now, it's the biggest fortune! Be careful. If you are too greedy, you will make him unhappy. "

Daniel scratched his head and said with a smile, "that's the same reason."

He glanced behind her again. "What did the woman say?"

"He said he wanted to reform."

Daniel was stunned and then shook his head: "it's impossible! She is the kind of person who will take revenge. It's strange that she won't kill all the people here at that time. "

Zhuang Diandian nodded in agreement, "before that, we'd better do it first."

Let Daniel stare, she went into the room to find attack moisture Yun, told him about the upgraded version of the virus, Zhuang Diandian fretted: "this woman's words can't believe, can't believe."

Then he sighed heavily, "Alas, I've broken my heart for these worlds!"

Attack soil moisture Yun to get up, "look for blue city."

When Zhuang Diandian wanted to go, he gave him a stare and stopped, "you stay here!"

Knowing that he still cares about the blue city, Zhuang Diandian can only look at him helplessly, "it's all over now ~"

he doesn't smile, "Oh? How can we get there? "

Zhuang Dian raised his eyes, "well, when I didn't say it."

Attack soil moisture Yun is really mention this matter to change face, turn round to go out, then straight to pile up grain warehouse.

Blue city is locked up there, look at him, eyes gently closed, "I don't want to see you."

"It's a bit unfortunate that I just want to see you, and I really want to see you," he said with a smile