Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 939

It's late at dawn here. When Daniel and others wake up, it's still gray.

Daniel sat blankly on the ground and looked around, "why do I sleep here?"

According to the difference in strength, more than a dozen people wake up in turn. It's also very strange how they can sleep on the ground?

"Well, what's the matter with me? Where did the injury come from? "

"Ah, what's the matter with this bandage?"

At this time, Zhuang Diandian opened the door and came in. She saw that they were anxiously checking themselves. She went straight to the table and sat down with her arms folded.

"Who has the impression of last night?"

Everyone looked at her suspiciously and shook his head. Daniel asked, "what happened last night?"

Since they don't remember, that is to say, even she and Yun Ye have forgotten about beating them!

It's good. It's perfect.

Zhuang Diandian cleared his throat and said, "next, I'd like to say something. You'd better have a psychological preparation..."

All morning, there was only Zhuang Diandian's voice in the room, and no one else spoke.

He was standing outside, smoking dry tobacco.

It was the first time he smoked such a heavy cigarette, but he got used to it very quickly and thought it was good.

Opposite, blue city is still drooping head, no sign of waking up. Han Xiang, who had suffered from Zhuang Dian's fault, did not dare to make any more noise. He could only look at him with a pair of tearful eyes

Soon, someone came out.

Daniel hung his head and murmured, "it's time for me to make breakfast We can't make everyone hungry... "

Attack soil moisture Yun to throw cigarette butts to the ground, raise foot to crush out, turn round to walk in.

Everyone was silent, and the expression on his face was unbelievable. He sat opposite Zhuang Diandian and said, "there's no consolation for this kind of thing. Even if you say it, you won't believe it."

Everyone slowly raised their heads and looked at him. He continued: "however, I still want to say that you are lucky after all. No matter what the reason is, you are still alive. Then, we should live better, and we can't waste the chance given by God. "

Daniel opened the door and came in with red eyes, "but But we have all become animals! Maybe the people who suddenly disappeared in the village were given by us... "

He couldn't speak any more. He covered his face and began to cry.

When he collapsed, other people couldn't help it. One by one, they cried bitterly.

Zhuang Diandian frowned. Although he sympathized with him, he still scolded him: "it's the old man who mews. Why are you crying! If it's useful to cry, you don't have to change! "

Daniel looked at her, "what should we do now?"

"I'm afraid I have to ask people outside," he said

Until then, we just remember the two culprits outside! Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and rushed out with the guy.

Han Xiang was used to yelling at these people. When he saw them, he yelled at them, trying to scare them, "do you want to rebel? Can't you see I'm tied up here? Untie me

Daniel, holding the kitchen knife, walked towards her step by step. His bloodthirsty look made him shrink twice with fear, "Daniel, Daniel! What's the matter with you? Tie those two up for me

Daniel, with red eyes, walked over and glared at her. "I didn't expect that it was you bitch!"

He is about to raise a knife, contain fragrant to frighten to scream a, his hand is attacked moisture Yun to grasp, "the time of reckoning is in the back, now don't impulse."

Daniel clenched his teeth, put down his arm, turned his face aside, and gnashed his teeth in hatred, "OK! I'll save her life first

Take two people to the room, blue city has not come to life, this will really envy him! Take a look at the original obedient man, who would stare at herself in a vicious way. She was so scared that she quickly said, "we really don't have an antidote! We're just upgrading the virus over and over again I'm telling you the truth. It's no use killing me! "

Everyone showed a panic expression, "what should I do? Without antidote, don't we have to live like this all the time? "

"No, I don't want to be a beast..."

Some people started shouting to kill them, and Han Xiang was scared to cry.

He stopped, looked at the crowd and said, "if you trust me, I want to do a bold experiment."

Zhuang Dian looked at him curiously, "what experiment?"

"Although it can't stop the mutation in your body, I can try to make you have a little sense in the process of mutation."

Daniel asked, "this Is that really OK? "

He nodded: "you can have a try."

Everyone looked at each other, now there is no other way, can only trust him to try.

Although he knew a surprising secret, life still had to pass. After that, Daniel and others still had a clear division of labor and performed their duties as usual.The atmosphere of breakfast was always dull, and Zhuang Dian didn't want to eat more.

Attack moisture Yun is carrying rice, came to the warehouse.

Push open the door, blue city lying on the ground, looking hurt, but already wake up, with a pair of cold eyes staring at the people coming in.

"Do you want to cooperate?" he said

Blue city didn't answer, but just a sneer on one side of the lip, the answer is self-evident.

"You've done so much harm to these people who usually treat you as brothers. You can't expect me to kill you so easily." Attack moisture Yun's words, let blue city's eyes appear strange, he still pursed lips cold stare him.

"I have a way to let them have a little sense in their transformation. If you still want to help them, cooperate with me."

Blue city a shock, the expression is very surprised.

Attack soil moisture Yun finish saying, get up to want to go, just push open the door, blue city called him, "wait a minute!"

He stared at him and asked, "what do you mean by what you just said?"

Attack soil moisture Yun to look back, "so ask, I am when you agreed?"

Not a long time later, blue city came out from the inside. It was full of energy. It could only walk by supporting the wall.

Zhuang Diandian is waiting outside. Seeing him like this, he can't help sighing again. If Yun doesn't do it, it's a ten level standard for disabled people.

Don't ask, blue city can be released, should be two people negotiated. Chuang Dian asked directly, "Mr. Yun, what do you want to do?"

Attack soil moisture Yun wait for blue city to come after just say: "my blood, mix in virus."

Zhuang Diandian and blue city were stunned, but Zhuang Diandian immediately thought of the reason.

Attack soil moisture Yun also can be regarded as by the dark river to transform the physique, all poisons do not invade, at the same time, the blood in his body can also detoxify! If Daniel's virus comes from the underground river, it's really a good plan to use his blood as a drug guide!

Zhuang Diandian looked down at the body that didn't belong to him. He was annoyed because he couldn't help.