Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 448

Look at her, Zhuang Diandian is laughing.

On the contrary, Zhuang Lianlian was stunned and at a loss. He didn't know how to react.

Zhuang Diandian said: "in fact, the mistake Zhuang Dafa made should not be counted on your head."

Zhuang Lianlian didn't answer. She was still looking at her with big black and white eyes.

Zhuang Diandian added: "although, I may not be able to regard you as Sisters, but try to be friends. "

Zhuang Lianlian was overjoyed, "you Aren't you mad at me? "

Zhuang Diandian shook his head and said in a very big way: "resentment has its head and debt has its owner. I will not spread my anger on innocent people indiscriminately!"

Tut Tut, with these words, Zhuang Diandian wanted to sign for himself!

He's so cute!

Sure enough, Zhuang Lianlian's eyes were red. "Thank you..."

When Zhuang Dian saw it, he was startled, "lying in the trough! Don't cry! You're crying so bitterly at night. Don't bring a Piao here! "

"Sorry, I just..."

Zhuang Diandian really can't stand her "sorry" and "thank you". She stood in front of Zhuang Lianlian and said word by word, "if you really want to integrate into this big family, then don't say sorry again in the future! The whole family is not so fastidious! "

Zhuang Lianlian listened and nodded in a daze, "I remember."

Zhuang Dian nodded: "you should have a rest early."

Looking at her back, Zhuang Lianlian is really happy to be accepted and recognized by the family. She thinks she is the happiest person in the world!

When Mo Xiaoju came, Zhuang Diandian was still upstairs training Dabai.

"Dabai, Dabai! I have said that you can push me, poke me, or even slap me with your big paw! But - why do you always sit on my face with your half tonnage butt? "


"Oh, I'll go! Are you losing your temper? "

"Oh -"

"you dare to talk back, don't you?"

Mo Xiaoju pushed open the door and saw Dabai lying lazily on the bed with his tail swinging, while Zhuang Diandian stood barefoot in his pajamas to confront him.

She chuckled, "Dabai, go out."

After Dabai got up and jumped down, the big tail shape seemed to throw more unconsciously.

"Don't go, you have to be clear today!" Zhuang Diandian's dignity has been challenged!

Mo Xiaoju stopped her directly and said, "don't look at people's lack of words, you bully them!"

"It talks less? When I quarrel, I can't win the fight because it talks the most

Zhuang Diandian went into the bathroom and simply came out. He changed his clothes and asked, "why did you come so early?"

Mo Xiaoju asked with a smile: "I heard that you suddenly have another sister? Then I have to come and have a look! "

Zhuang Diandian glanced at her contemptuously, "where is the excitement? Where are you going? When did you learn Qu Yi's way?"

"Don't worry about this. Take me to see you soon!" Mo Xiaoju is really curious, really can't guess what Zhuang Diandian's sister will be like!

Zhuang Diandian couldn't beat her. After dressing up, he took her to see Zhuang Lianlian.

Looking at her and looking at Zhuang Dian Dian, Mo Xiaoju said "like"!

Then he clapped and said, "don't check! This must be my uncle Zhuang's folk dragon seed! "

Zhuang Lianlian's face was slightly red and embarrassed. Zhuang Diandian gave her a white look, "go back after the excitement."

"No way! I have to stay for lunch Mo Xiaoju is not polite. She turns around and goes to the kitchen to find aunt Niu Yang.

Then Zhuang Lianlian asked, "Dian Dian, she is Your friend? "

"Well, a good friend growing up." Zhuang Diandian pointed to his head. "Besides being abnormal here, people are pretty good."

Zhuang Lianlian chuckled and whispered, "I really envy you. You still have good friends..."

Looking at her and thinking about her life, Zhuang Diandian also has some sympathy. Finally, she said, "my friend is your friend."

"Really?" Zhuang Lianlian finally smiles. Just then Mo Xiaoju comes out. She plucks up her courage and says, "little Xiaoju, can I call you like a classic? "

"Well, hum!" Mo Xiaoju shrugged, not at all, "as you like."

Seeing that her attitude towards herself was the same as that of Zhuang Diandian, Zhuang Lianlian was happy and nodded: "then you can call me Lianlian in the future."

“ok!” Mo Xiaoju is also very happy to agree, do not think there is any problem.

After lunch, because Mo Xiaoju ate too much, she directly sat on the couch in the garden to bask in the sun. Zhuang Diandian was chasing Xiaohei, and he called out: "Xiaohei! Give it to me

Xiao Hei, with a pink bra on his head, is running on the grass happily. Zhuang Diandian is so angry that he wants to catch it!Mo Xiaoju looks funny. She calls up the camera function on her mobile phone and prepares to send it to Ke Qing after making a video.

At this time, Zhuang Lianlian came over and said, "can I sit here?"

Mo Xiaoju takes a look, smiles and continues to forward the video.

Zhuang Lianlian's sitting posture is very ladylike. At first glance, she knows that her family education is very strict. Looking at Zhuang Diandian and Xiao Hei, she couldn't help laughing until Zhuang Diandian was so tired that she couldn't stand up and climbed back all the way. She sat down on another chair, picked up the cup and poured water.

"When did the little bunny run so well?"

Mo Xiaoju glanced at her, "that's your neglect of self-management! He's still chasing cats in the hutongs. "

Zhuang Diandian asked, "did you get in touch with brother shaoting?"

What did Mo Xiaoju want to say? Just now she saw Zhuang Lianlian on the other side, so she shook her head: "no!"

Zhuang Diandian also understood, so he didn't continue this topic.

The three chatted at will, and Zhuang Lianlian seemed very happy all the time. Although she didn't cut in much and mostly listened, she seemed to be interested in any topic they said.

As it was getting dark, Mo Xiaoju got up and said, "I should go back, or my father will have to send a message to find someone."

They waved to her, and Zhuang Diandian looked back at Zhuang Lianlian, "let's go, let's go in."

Zhuang Lianlian nodded and walked in behind her. Looking at Zhuang Diandian's skirt, she said enviously, "Diandian, your skirt is really beautiful."

Zhuang Diandian looked down, looked at her conservative and old-fashioned style, and immediately said, "I have a lot more! Come to my room, and I'll find it out for you. "

"This That's not good. " Zhuang Lianlian didn't receive anything from others. She hesitated for a moment.

"It's OK. Anyway, I seldom wear skirts. It's a waste to put them in the cupboard."

Zhuang Lianlian thought about it, and finally nodded happily: "OK."