Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 447

There was a lot of excitement below. Aunt Yang just came down from upstairs with Zhuang Lianlian.

Zhuang Lianlian still lowers her head. When she comes to the restaurant, she politely asks "how are you doing to my uncle" and then to my sister. Then she turns to Zhuang Diandian and says, "Diandian Canon... "

Everyone can see her embarrassment. Zhuang Diandian is not a bullying and difficult master. She answered vaguely and said, "have a meal."

Zhuang Lianlian sits next to her and raises her eyes inadvertently. At a glance, she sees that she is attacking Yun!

She Leng, eyes had a moment of trance, in the attack moisture Yun slightly different eyes, immediately will head pressure lower. As you can see, her earlobes are a little red.

After taking a look at Zhuang Lianlian, he said, "welcome."

As a young master attacking the family, I still have this kind of demeanor.

Zhuang Lianlian whispered "thank you", bit her lip and said, "I My name is Zhuang Lianlian

She didn't dare to say her identity, for fear of offending Chuang Dian Dian, so she only gave her name.

"I know," he said

Zhuang Lianlian's body was shocked and her head was buried low.

Sister then thought of something, said: "Oh, forget to introduce it! Pity, this is our young master and the father of Xiaozong. "

Zhuang Lianlian was stunned and looked up slowly: "Dad?"

That is to say, she is My sister's husband?

But he looks really young! At most in their early twenties! He and Zhuang Diandian are not like the parents of such a big son as Xiaozong!

In Zhuang Lianlian's mind, a pair of high school students with green and astringent faces are emerging, and they are doing things that make people blush and heart beat without telling adults After that, she had to be born because of her family!

Realizing what she was paying attention to, Zhuang Diandian immediately stopped her wishful thinking, for fear that she would be seen. She just filled her mind with shame and said very uneasily: "I I didn't expect that Xiaozong's father would be so young. "

The adults on the scene all hide their mouths and snicker. They are not very talkative about two young people!

Zhuang Diandian's face turned red. He coughed two times and said, "he wants to have a grandson early!"

Attack moisture Yun eyebrow twitch two.

At this time, Xiao Zong was also in trouble. He held his chin in his hand and asked with a sad face: "Dad, if you go to my kindergarten, what will teachers and children do if you are young?"

Attack soil moisture Yun to the son to show extremely doting eyes, "that father dress up a little bit older."

Xiao Zong thought about it, then shook his head: "no, I want my father to look like he is now. I want my father to be more handsome than other children's dads!"

Inheriting the soil moisture Yun to son's adoration, indicated that is very helpful, "son, you have the vision very much."

Zhuang Diandian was on one side, a little tasted, "boy, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge! You used to say that mother is more beautiful than other children's mothers! It wasn't long before he turned to the enemy camp? "

A few of them laughed and joked: "then I'll have another daughter to help you."

Attack soil moisture Yun in front of a bright, "this pour is feasible."

Zhuangdian shook his head. "It's enough to have a living ancestor."

Zhuang Lianlian listens silently and sends the chopsticks to her mouth unconsciously.

She can feel that Zhuang Diandian has a happy family, a handsome husband and a smart and lovely son. She has everything a woman dreams of!

So, she should cherish this family! Why don't you want to have another daughter for your husband?

She shook her head to show that she could not understand.

After dinner, Zhuang Dian went to the yard and talked to Zong's family on the phone. After having a preliminary understanding of the operation of the company today, he went back to his study and made a video with Qu Yi. Xiaozong was accompanied by her sister and went back to the room to take a bath.

Zhuang Lianlian stayed in the room all day, which would be very boring. Seeing that there was no one outside, she quietly left the room.

Out of the villa, she saw the people in the yard at a glance.

"Master a Jin, you always turn around and keep an eye on elder mu. If you have any trouble, tell me immediately."

"All right, big boss."

After hanging up, Zhuang Diandian turns around and sees Zhuang Lianlian again.

However, this time she was so far away that it was impossible for her to hear her phone call. After looking at Shangzhuang's allusions, she lowered her head and did not dare to look directly at them.

Zhuang Diandian frowned. She was like a little sheep that might be frightened at any time. She felt uncomfortable at any time!

In particular, she also had a face that was very similar to herself!

It was so weird!

So, Zhuang Dian made a decision. She waved to the "elder sister", who obviously didn't dare to believe it and pointed to herself in surprise: "are you calling me?"

Zhuang Diandian nodded, and she hesitated.Zhuang Diandian put her arms around her chest, raised her head and frowned at her: "have you always been so timid?"

She asked directly, making Zhuang Lianlian a little embarrassed. She whispered back: "I'm sorry I was afraid to see people when I was a child. "

Zhuangdian: "why?"

"Mom said, don't make trouble for Dad, don't let others see me So, before that, I lived in that house with my mother Except for festivals and birthdays, my mother seldom takes me out

Hearing Zhuang Lianlian's words, Zhuang Diandian's expression gradually changed, and her eyes moved with pity.

She scolded in her heart: Well, you Zhuang Dafa, it's all your sin!

Zhuang Diandian looked at her and asked, "then you What do you usually do? "

Zhuang Lianlian raised her head and looked at her with a shallow smile: "my mother invited a tutor for me. I study at home. After the teacher left, I would read or listen to the play and help my mother take care of the flowers in the small garden..."

Zhuang Diandian nodded: "let's have a good rest in advance!"

Zhuang Lianlian was embarrassed and said, "I didn't even dare to think about living with so many people now And She looked at Zhuang Diandian again and lowered her head: "you can still see my sister I feel very happy. "

Her undisguised yearning for family affection embarrassed Zhuang Diandian. Compared with her, Zhuang felt that she was the stepmother of snow white in fairy tales!

Zhuang Diandian looked at her and asked, "do you hate them?"


“…… The people who brought you to this world. "

Zhuang Lianlian immediately shook her head: "how can it be? Mother is very poor, father is also very hard, why should I hate them? "

If someone had told Zhuang Diandian before that there was someone as pure as Zhuang Lianlian in the world as a piece of white paper, she would not believe it if she killed her! But now, Zhuangdian really believes it!