Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1043

This sound is very helpful to Zhuang's Classics.

No matter what the origin of the three masters is, her three aunts are going to sit for him today!

"Nephew." She raised her hand with a smile and said, "come here, come to my aunt. She will ask you something."

White eyebrow's a face all to suppress red! He swallowed his anger and turned to look at Xuanwu. He just looked at Xuanwu with a smile. He didn't mean to stop him. He gritted his teeth and hardened his head. "You say!"

"Why did you go back to the deaf mother-in-law?"

White eyebrow deliberately did not go to see her, the surface respectful, actually feel no good, "this is between my deaf mother-in-law, I think, there is no need to tell outsiders."

Pa -

Zhuang Diandian slapped him on the head. In the white eyebrow's incredible eyes, she covered her mouth with a smile: "Naughty! You can say whatever your mother asks you. Don't make her unhappy, do you know? "

The white eyebrow was furious, and her hands were about to be raised. The nails of ten fingers grew wildly in that moment, and they actually grew into scissors hands!

Xuanwu just glanced at him lightly. He was not angry.

Bai Mei was stunned. She put down her hands and took a deep breath. She said, "there are many treasures in deaf mother-in-law's place, which are needed by the ghosts of our prefecture. I went to her to ask for something. But there are rules here. If you don't get the invitation from the people in the room, you can't get into other people's rooms

Looking up, he took a look at Chuang Dian: "that day, it happened that you were there. It was convenient for me."

After hearing this, Zhuang Diandian nodded his understanding: "so, I'm the wronged big head in the legend! I put you in, and I'll be beaten up by you! "

Bai Mei coughed awkwardly and looked at Xuanwu fearfully. "I can't say that either. I didn't know the friendship between the third aunt and the third master. If I had known for a long time, I wouldn't have done such a stupid thing!"

"Well, that's the same reason. Bullying is afraid of bullying." Zhuang Diandian looked back at Xuanwu, "his third master, I'm finished."

Xuanwu raised the corner of his lips and went to the white eyebrow. "I have something to ask for your help."

White eyebrow that call a bi respectful Bi Jing, "you have something to just say, say what help is too outsider."

Zhuang Diandian said, "flattery is very good."

The white eyebrow secretly stares at her, but is dare to anger not dare to speak.

Xuanwu lowered his eyes and said, "I want to find a mirror. Can you help me get it?"

White eyebrow one stagnates, "what you say is..."

He nodded, "well, that's it."

The white eyebrow's face was embarrassed. "Third Master, what you are looking for is not an ordinary object. Don't mention me. I'm afraid the deaf mother-in-law may not have this magic weapon there!"

Zhuang Diandian heard that it was a struggle. What kind of mirror, what kind of magic weapon! This is the age of what, even if you go to the underground to find things, you should also use the electronic map!

Xuanwu didn't talk nonsense either, "a magic pill for this mirror."

Bai Mei was shocked, "you Are you serious? "

"Well, as long as you can find it."

Bai Mei was overjoyed: "yes! Please give me some time. I'll bring the mirror with me and offer it to you with both hands! "

He nodded: "one day."

Bai Mei bit her teeth, looking a little struggling, but still nodded her head: "no problem!"

It's just the blink of an eye, and the white eyebrows disappear.

Zhuang Dian took back his sight and went to see Xuanwu. He said curiously, "how many elixirs do you have? Didn't you promise the mantis king on the ground just now? Now it's sent to the ground again! Since there are so many, can you give me two to taste? "

He tapped her on the head. "I'll take one."

Zhuang Diandian was stunned. "How dare you come out and cheat? I said Xiao Xuan, he is a green flower! You're too brave, aren't you? Are you not afraid of being blocked by the immortals and demons? "

Xuanwu sat down lazily and leaned comfortably against an old locust tree. He half closed his eyes and said, "it's called reward. There must be brave men under it! Whoever meets the requirements first will give him the elixir. It's not a trick. It's just a matter of ability. "

Chuang Dian tut tut said and looked at him with a glance. "Now I finally know why ah Chang's progress is the fastest. When you reach this level, you stop. You've been hovering on the edge of soaring and can't reach the sky! Can you still fly up to heaven with so much money? "

He laughed, "if I want, I can go up tomorrow!"

"Blow! It's blowing! Why don't you say that you are unifying the three borders on both sides of the Straits and all over the world? " Zhuang Diandian rolled his eyes and sat down beside him. Then he looked at him plaintively: "what do you want Bai Mei to look for that mirror for?"

"You don't have to ask now, just find you."

"Cut ~" Zhuang Diandian has no good way: "you think I really don't know! You're not here to deal with me? "

Xuanwu picked an eyebrow and really looked at her with new eyes. "Not bad! I'm beginning to float! ""Now that I'm at this point, I can't run away. Just tell me so that I can die clearly!" Zhuang Diandian spoke with awe inspiring righteousness, as if he had been ready to die at any time!

Xuanwu looked at her funny, closed his eyes and nodded: "OK! Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you! "

He said: "it's a mirror that can reflect the past and the present. As long as you find it, you will see your past life, that is, the demon. As long as the demon appears, I will have a way to wake up her soul and replace you. "


Zhuang Diandian's mouth beat a few times, even if she had to say hello. As the culprit, should he pay attention to the mental health of the victim? This kind of thing can make up a reason, just cheat her! What's the point of telling such a plain truth? Are you afraid her death will not be lively?

Xuanwu chuckled, raised his hand and fiddled with her hair. "You don't have any psychological pressure. You don't have any feelings. It's just like a dream. Just fall asleep quietly."

Zhuang Diandian suddenly became angry, clapped his hand, stood up and sneered: "do you have to teach me how to die? Don't worry. When I played the corpse, you didn't know where to make a hole! "

As soon as she raised her ass, she sat far away and ignored him no more!

It's so spongy that I talk to this guy! He wants to kill her, she does not find a chance to harm him, but also with him to watch the fun? He meow, she is really a wonderful flower!

Xuanwu looked at her, didn't speak, and closed his eyes again.

Look at him, Zhuang Diandian. You are heartless. Don't blame me for being unjust! Hum, she should start first!