Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1042

“%…… Zhuang Diandian's international scolding, which transcended race, really hated Xuanwu!

Lao Tzu has devoted himself to you. It's better for you to frame Lao Tzu by changing your ways! Even if you are a fox, you don't play like this! He meow, the fox spirit is great! If we extrapolate for thousands of years, maybe she is still the monkey king! He's a fox!

"Come on, don't scold."

Xuanwu suddenly made a sound and glanced at her eyes. It was funny: "it's really hard to imagine that she would become a person like you."

"I can't imagine that my previous life would fall in love with such a selfish man as you!"

In a word, Xuanwu was silent.

He floats in front, Zhuang Diandian floats behind, one after the other, but nobody talks to anyone.

Looking at the familiar scene nearby, Zhuang Diandian sighed from time to time that she was provoking someone. She had been put into such a big way to become someone else's past and present life

One time is enough for NIMA to go to Yin. Who would like to come down and have fun?

Looking at these a Piao passing by, Zhuang Diandian only felt that the secretion of lacrimal gland began to flourish

At this moment, Xuanwu stood still, looked up at the person standing not far ahead, and gave her a smile: "long time no see."

Zhuang Diandian also went to see it, and was happy when he saw it, "deaf mother-in-law!"

The deaf mother-in-law was still wearing a black Qipao, her hair was well combed, she was not tall, and she didn't smile. She stood there and looked this way.

"Deaf Granny! Help me Zhuang Diandian stretched out his hand and looked like he was about to cry. "Ah, fox, don't talk about morality and justice!"

Xuanwu didn't move either, just looked at her with a smile, and fled to her deaf mother-in-law.

Deaf mother-in-law looked at her, eyes are quite helpless, she said: "you this, I can't manage."

"Don't worry! If you don't care, how can I reason? Otherwise, I'll burn more paper money for you after I go up, and then gold and silver ingots, as you say! Villas, luxury cars and small fresh meat are no problem! "

How can Zhuang Dian give up easily when he bumps into an acquaintance?

Deaf mother-in-law raises Mou to see Xuan Wu, "you do so violate the natural principle, will damage Yin de."

Zhuang Dian nodded: "yes, yes! Give him a political lesson and educate him well! After several days, I don't know who I am! Do you think you are Yama

Xuanwu didn't move at his feet. He was just floating over. He said, "it's meaningless for me to have no demons all day in this world. I don't care about any immoral people. "

Zhuang Diandian pointed at him and said, "see? This is the practice of self-cultivation! So I'm always educating them. I can't just stop to practice. I have to communicate more with my friends. Otherwise, it's easy to get into the wrong zone! "

The deaf mother-in-law finally couldn't stand it. She took a look at Chuang Dian: "if you hadn't been angry with her, I would never have believed that you were the reincarnation of a demon."

Zhuang Diandian stopped, "what do you mean? What am I worse than her? "

Deaf mother-in-law did not speak, blink of an eye to see Xuanwu, "whether or not to do is your business, in short, I can't help you."

She wants to leave, Xuan Wu stretched out his hand to stop her: "you really don't help?"

Zhuang Diandian was so anxious that he said, "what's the matter with you? People say they won't help. If you ask 7800 times, they won't help! If I turn back, then my deaf mother-in-law will become something! Right, deaf mother-in-law! "

The deaf mother-in-law looked at her and looked away in silence.

Xuanwu was completely undisturbed. He kept staring at the deaf mother-in-law and said, "don't forget, you are her sister!"

Zhuang Diandian nodded again: "yes, you are her..."

She was stunned and went to see the deaf mother-in-law. She couldn't believe it and said, "are you the sister of demon zero?"

The deaf mother-in-law's face did not change and her eyes did not waver.

Zhuang Diandian's mood at this meeting is so complicated! She has no impression of her former relative, let alone any family affection. But I do not know why, from the first time she met deaf mother-in-law, although she was always serious and inhuman, she just felt kind!

But the immediate situation is that as a deaf mother-in-law of her younger sister, she is likely to help her brother-in-law revive her elder sister. Then she really has no place to cry!

Zhuang Diandian was in a hurry, "deaf sister! You can't be righteous without destroying your relatives! "

The deaf mother-in-law's eyes crossed her and went straight to Xuanwu, "because I'm her sister, I can't help her! I can't let you die. "

With that, she turned and left.

Behind him, there was constant applause.

Zhuang Diandian said excitedly: "that's very good! What a deaf sister! Well, yes, I'm glad. "

Xuanwu did not stop her, but stood there quietly, "from the moment I came down, I never intended to give up."

Zhuang Diandian was petrified. He still clapped his hands and looked at him. For a long time, she sighed: "are foxes so stubborn? Do you have to be so reckless? ""Let's go." Xuanwu said.

I don't want to go, but I can't help myself at all. I drift away with him.

Zhuang Diandian was about to cry, "if we can't find anyone to help us, let's go back! Why do you have to be so persistent? I can see that you are not so popular here just because of your temper! Even if you go to July 14 next year, you won't be able to find people! "

Seeing the man in front of him, Xuanwu laughed, "that's not necessarily true."

Zhuang Diandian stopped after him. When he looked up and saw the man hanging on the opposite tree, he couldn't breathe!

He's meow. He's a real enemy! That man is the old man with white eyebrows!

I remember that last time I was at the deaf mother-in-law's house, I was officially married to this white eyebrow. But Zhuang Diandian was so angry that he would not quarrel with a Piao. He also thought that he would never come back here again, let alone meet him!

Now I wake up, as a semi-finished a Piao, she is really too tender!

"White eyebrows!" Xuanwu called, white eyebrow also saw him, "this is not the third master! Oh, why did you come down? "

White eyebrow looked behind him, obviously also recognized Zhuang Dian Dian, eyes from time to time to sweep to two people, Wu from guess their relationship.

Zhuang Diandian decided to start first instead of laughing. "I was in a hurry last time. I haven't introduced myself yet! Hello, I'm your third aunt

The white eyebrow Leng next, the eye that seeks to verify sees to Xuan Wu, the latter laughs, that appearance seems to be acquiescence.

Even though Bai Mei hated Chuang Dian any more, she didn't dare to make a mistake in front of Xuanwu, so she had to call out: "third aunt."

Zhuang Diandian readily accepted: "ah! Good boy