Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1035

He came forward, a finger raised her chin, "don't talk back, go out and find someone to come back."

Zhuang Diandian's mouth twitched a few times, and he wanted to destroy the face that brought disaster to the country and the people!

The final result is that Zhuang Diandian has to accept the entrustment of several immortal families and go out to find someone according to their advice Er, no, I went to the local fairy families for help. In front of the door of the family, Zhuang Diandian took a small book in his hand, and wrote it with a pen. He also compared the people in the team from time to time.

Xiao He kept walking around in front of the team with his big horn in his hand, reiterating again and again: "again! As for this operation, it does not belong to the family at all. Those who do not want to participate can withdraw. "

Mo Xiaoju couldn't look down, "can you turn down the volume of that thing? Don't you think we old people have hearing loss? "

Muzha said with a smile: "if you are old people, don't we just climb out of the coffin?"

Next to him, Jin Zha bumped him with his elbow. "This book is so mysterious. I didn't say what duty it is. I'm so curious!"

Mu Zha cold Piao he one eye, "excuse me, this don't talk about brotherhood of person, I know you who?"

Jin Zha pointed to him and nodded: "OK! If the five elements are short of two, there is one for you! "

They are still in the cold war, and neither of them has the intention of persuading the other. We all have a tacit understanding that no one will take part in this middleweight war. If you pinch them, it will not only promote the unity among the people of other nationalities, but also prevent Alzheimer's disease. Why not?

Zhuang Dian saw that no one wanted to quit, so he began to divide the team.

"The second eldest brother is in charge of nanshantou. There are master jinzha and master Muzha in xishandun..."

The bottom two people listen, almost with one voice: "I oppose!"

Zhuang Dian nodded: "objection is valid! I am a very democratic person. If I accept opposition, I must correct it! " She looked down at the record in the book and said, "then you can go east..."

Everyone laughs. Everyone knows that to the East is the garbage collection area of the city. What a sense of mission and honor it must be to go there to carry out the task!

Two people don't say a word, if again object to go on, probably still can distribute to North Europe!

Task assignment is over, two big ye a team, Jin Zha Mu Zha a a team, she and Qin Xiao each lead a team.

It wasn't until on the way down the mountain that Zhuang Diandian called these responsible persons together and held a small meeting on the spot, "this is an emergency. It's a little tricky. The task is also more difficult than before..."

She said so, but arouse everyone's curiosity, Jin Zha can't wait for a long time, "in the end is how to return a responsibility, you quickly say! Otherwise, it will be bad if we don't get things done and get into debt again. "

"We are looking for..."

After hearing this, they looked at her speechless. Muzha thought he had heard wrong, "go to find the immortal?"

Zhuang Dian nodded: "yes!"

The second eldest brother didn't believe this at all before. He narrowed his eyes and raised his lips Are you treating us like Sundays? "

Zhuang Diandian also sighed: "it's a long story. I also know that you don't have this savvy in a short time. Therefore, I don't want others to understand me. Just be safe."

Mo Xiaoju immediately looked at her contemptuously, "don't play such a high tone, I'm afraid you can't sing later."

Zhuang Diandian grinned and winked at her, "seriously, it can't do without you! Who would believe that? "

Muzha said with a smile: "are you praising us?"

"Of course!"

The second eldest brother changed his e-cigarette into a cigar. After lighting it, he took a puff, spit out his cigarette ring, and said, "let's borrow those points."

"It must be!" Zhuang Diandian said and squeezed his eyebrows at several people. "To tell you the truth, they have already followed your team."

They all looked back at the team in silence. Although they were still the same people, they always felt uncomfortable. It seemed that there was an invisible person at the end of the team

A few people shrink neck, also no longer ask more, quietly back to the team.

Mo Xiaoju followed her, bumped her shoulder and said, "to be honest, what does that handsome man have to do with you?"

When Zhuang Diandian heard him, he gave a sneer and scared her.


Now Mo Xiaoju was stunned, "did I hear it wrong or did you say it wrong? Love rivals? Do you mean you like the same person? "

Who is that man?

What's the point?

God, Mo Xiaoju just feels the whole world is distorted.

Zhuang Diandian glanced at her and said, "what's so strange about Yun, who looks like a jade tree in the wind and likes him at the same time?"

After calming down, Mo Xiaoju said: "the strange thing is not who likes to be a fan, but why do you think so! That beautiful man is not the one who likes men"Cut, you don't understand!" Zhuang Diandian sneered and clenched his fist. "Mr. Yun told me that he and I were actually a couple in my previous life. That's why he followed me all the way here Even knowing him intentionally is a routine

Mo Xiaoju's expression changed slightly.

"Well! This kind of trick can only deceive people as simple as him. Do you want to deceive me? There's no door! He just came to approach Mr. Yun under the guise of being so foreign in his past and present life! " With that, Zhuang Diandian shook his head: "poor, poor! I didn't see through it

Mo Xiaoju frowned a little, "do you really think so?"

Zhuang Diandian glanced at her: "otherwise? Is brother Cuihua really a couple with me in my previous life? Oh, my God, stop teasing me, OK! We can't play with the past and the present. Let's try our best to contribute to the socialist cause. "

She says leisurely, this kind of official accent basically comes casually, obviously don't believe the so-called secret that attack moisture Yun tells her.

Mo Xiaoju slowly shook her head: "it's also a slow reaction to a certain level."

Zhuang Diandian was not convinced. "Who is slow? I don't know how fast it is! "

Mo Xiaoju laughed and asked, "why don't you believe the story of this past life?"

"Please! It's a fairy tale. Let's not join in the fun. "

"What if it's true?" Mo Xiaoju asked.

Zhuang Diandian blinked, "in case..."

This question was also asked by chuangyun. Her answer at that time was: "even if it's really unfortunate, what does it have to do with her Zhuangdian?"

However, looking at the direction of their team, there can see a touch of gorgeous color. She immediately avoided her eyes and didn't want to see any more.