Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1034

At this point, Xiaohe's attitude is clear-cut, and his practice is very gratifying to his family.

After all, wrong is wrong, the important thing is to learn to bear; obviously, he is willing to remedy, but not against his heart. Therefore, never marry again is a punishment to oneself and also a remedy to Yufei.

Zhang's people also understood. After looking at each other, they all gave a wink to Zhang's father, which means "let's take it when it's good.".

Zhang's father is not a fool either. Since everyone else has said that he will be responsible, even his identity and property will be left to Yufei's mother and son. That's OK!

Therefore, father Zhang went down the steps, coughed softly, and said with a high posture: "we are not unreasonable people. Emotional things really need time to cultivate. Now it is unrealistic to force you to make any commitment. So, as long as you and your family are kind to my daughter! "

Yufei silently lowered her head and held her hands tightly.

Xiaohe nodded: "don't worry."

Zhang's father was about to leave, and Zhuang Diandian stopped him. "The clan is not a place of right and wrong, nor can anyone come in. I hope today is the last time. "

Father Zhang was silent and the party left.

Zhuang Diandian also gives Ke Qing and Mo Xiaoju a look. They understand each other and help Yufei back to the room.

The people behind him also scattered. Zhuang Diandian went to hold Xiao He's shoulder. Seeing his black and blue face in his suit, he glared at him: "it's time! Why don't you make your life impossible to deal with? "

"Dianjie, please don't talk about me any more. I'm sorry enough." "I want to be with Qiuqiu, but she seems to hate me now," he said

Chuang Dian Dian said with a smile, "no one is bothering you! Do you think it's just Qiuqiu? "

Small Aikido: "because of a mistake, I can't turn over?"

"Pa" ground, Zhuang Dian according to the back of his head and hard shot, "that also depends on what kind of mistake! Do you think it's a common mistake for your children to grow up in a family where their parents don't love each other? You are destroying a woman's happiness

Xiaohe felt guilty, "Dianjie, you're right..."

Zhuang Diandian sighed: "I really can't blame you! In the future, it depends on how hard you try. People may not go according to your wishes. What's more, even if it's interesting to you, after this time, you'll have to get a rough score! "

Xiaohe's expression is more innocent. Zhuang Diandian finally said: "whether you like Yufei or not, you are also married. From now on, you can solve your own problems by yourself and don't give everyone any more trouble."

when Zhuang Diandian returns, a touch of black suddenly passes by.

She stopped, took a deep breath, and said slowly, "brother python, didn't you promise that you won't show up?"

"What can I do with realgar?"


In the grass, there is a black boa constrictor, whose indifferent eyes are facing Zhuang Diandian.

"Yes! Brother, you should take it as a holiday today. As long as you don't scare others, you can turn around here as long as you like. "

She wanted to leave, and was stopped by brother python.

"There's something wrong here."

Zhuang Diandian said, "have you found anything?"

Brother Python shrunk back and crawled towards the grass, "I don't want to say."


It's really willful! Zhuang Dian kept adjusting his breath to stabilize himself.

Such a wonderful personality, no wonder we can't find a girlfriend all the time!

She went back. Sister cat and taro were talking not far away. When they saw her, they waved to her.

Zhuang Diandian passed by. Before she spoke, sister cat said, "we're in trouble."

"What's the matter?" Zhuang Diandian's expression immediately became nervous. He went over and said, "I just met brother python, and he said something wrong. What's the matter?"

Sister cat and taro looked at each other. Taro said, "I'm afraid It's because we... "

He pauses, Zhuang Diandian is anxious, "what happened that day?"

Cat sister said directly: "that day, we were too arrogant. We beat the mountain god and a few little followers in HEMA mountain until we were convinced. Then, Xuanwu just told us that we might be in trouble this time."

Listening to her serious tone, she didn't look like she was joking. Zhuang Diandian was a little confused, "what you said is trouble What kind of trouble is it? "

"The mountain gods of the nearby mountains, as well as the great immortals nearby, will show up tonight."

Taro fought a cold war, "let alone a group fight, even if it's a single fight, it's not likely to win them."

Zhuang Diandian understood, "go to my master's room."

When he came to Huang xiaopao's room, taro entered without saying a word. As soon as Zhuangdian went in, he saw duanduanzheng sitting there. He didn't lift his head or open his eyes.

And her teacher's wife, ah Chang, had been waiting there early. She just used Huang xiaopao's room as her own.Knowing that this matter is not easy to solve, Zhuang Diandian said, "do we need to do some preventive measures now?"

"It's too late to do anything now." Huang xiaopao said, "it's better to find someone to help you as soon as possible."

Zhuang Diandian was very surprised. Did the immortals solve the problem by fighting in groups?

How grounded!

Ah Chang said, "we are all from other places. We are not familiar with one of the local people. Where can we find someone?"

A few people are silent for a while. This is really a problem. It's not as good as to let them take command like human beings. The temperaments of the immortal family are very strange. It's really a fight against each other! Everyone nearby was frightened.

Someone came in, the door didn't knock, just like a gust of wind from the front of my eyes, and then the door "bang" automatically closed.

Zhuang Diandian closed his eyes slowly, "do you have to be floating, can't you walk?"

Xuanwu sat opposite her with a smile, holding her cheek in one hand, and her beautiful eyes blinked, "you have to help me solve this."

When Zhuang Diandian heard this, he was worried, "why? Instead of fighting, you capable people let me take revenge for other people's children? "

"I don't care. You have to find someone to help you. Don't forget, you haven't done what you promised me

Zhuang Diandian stroked his eyebrows, "please, it's a slow work. It's no use worrying!"

He came forward, a finger raised her chin, "don't talk back, go out and find someone to come back."

Zhuang Diandian's mouth twitched a few times, and he wanted to destroy the face that brought disaster to the country and the people!

The final result is that Zhuang Diandian has to accept the entrustment of several immortal families and go out to find someone according to their advice Er, no, I went to the local fairy families for help.