Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 996

Yan shiting sat behind his desk in the president's office on the 88th floor of thunder group. Li Ze came in and said, "president, would you like me?"

"What's the matter with the noise outside just now?"

"It was Yang Xi who came to show off that she had received Mrs. Moore's invitation. In addition, Ms. Yang posted invitation letters in the circle of friends and the internal group of the company. She clearly despised chief engineer Cheng and was not qualified to go to the reception. "

"It's like Yang Xi's Slut style." Yan shiting scorned and sneered.

Li Ze tentatively asked, "president, do you want to prepare evening dress for chief engineer Cheng to attend the reception?"

"Didn't you hear me call Cheng yingxuan before, did she refuse?" Yan shiting's tone was a bit agitated.


"I'll call yingxuan again." Yan shiting called Cheng yingxuan's mobile phone again, and asked succinctly, "do you really want to be my girlfriend at the Moore's party tonight?"

"Yes." There came a more simple and elegant female voice.

"Cheng yingxuan, would you rather laugh at Yang Xi than laugh at her?"

"I think so."

Yan shiting stares at the hung up phone, helpless, this dead woman!

Hate hate way, "evening dress need not prepare!"

I refused twice, but no one wore them.

"Yes." Li Ze nodded.


Cheng yingxuan didn't mean to take Qiao's refusal to accompany Yan shiting to attend, but relied on him to go to the Party of Moore's house?

Yang Xi would only laugh at her, saying that she was sleeping with Yan shiting.


Her dignity is very high.

More and more people praised the invitation from the circle of friends, and almost all the internal groups in the company congratulated her.

It can only be said that the strength and charm of the Moore family are too great.

As big as

Even if Cheng yingxuan is also in the company's internal group, colleagues know that she is incompatible with Yang Xi, and they still think they have not seen her and go to flatter Yang.

Cheng yingxuan went home and made two fried rice with eggs. She had dinner with Xiao Bao. "Son, I'll go to a party with my mother. After dinner, we are going to pick out the dress, and I have to make up and make up my hair. So, we'll have a simple dinner

"All right, mom." Cheng Xiaobao's tender voice answered.

"You don't ask Mom, what kind of party is it?"

Cheng Xiaobao picked up a small spoon and scooped a spoonful of egg fried rice into his mouth. He said indistinctly, "if my mother wants to take me, I will go."

Cheng yingxuan touched her son's head and her heart melted.

Yang Xi is right. Mrs. Moore's reception is not for everyone.

Such a high-end party, of course, she would like to take her son to see the world!

After dinner, Cheng yingxuan took Cheng Xiaobao to a high-end shopping mall in the city.

Park your car in the underground parking lot.

Cheng yingxuan and Xiao Bao took the elevator from the first floor to the second floor of the shopping mall.

Randomly selected a French brand store, walked in.

"Welcome A female salesman stepped forward.

Cheng yingxuan's clothes were closely watched. Although they were of lower grade than those sold by her own family, she was still more temperament. She also brought a lovely little boy with her and warmly welcomed her, "what kind of clothes do you want to buy?"


"All the clothes in the shop are new this year. Do you like them?" The salesperson made a round comparison.

Cheng yingxuan looked around and shook her head, "I'm looking for a suitable evening dress." , the fastest update of the webnovel!