Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 995

Who let the hand of Han Cambodian make her very happy.

The elevator went to the first floor.

The three went out one after another.

Yang Xi walked through the lobby on the first floor. Li Yajing, a female staff member of the personnel department, immediately came forward to congratulate her. "Miss Yang, I heard that you are going to attend the Moore's party tonight. Congratulations!"

"Well, this kind of party is not for everyone." Yang Xi glanced at Cheng yingxuan, who was far away, and raised her voice, "you chief engineer Cheng, you think you have won an elite competition. You are not disqualified from the high-end reception."

"She can't compare with you," Li Yajing flattered. "You are a real gold medal."

"I'm comfortable with that." Yang Xi looked at Li Yajing and said, "I heard that you went to bed with Gu Zihang, the former director of design department. You won the title of director of the design department only after you got his credit? The east window incident happened a few days ago, and I was demoted to the ordinary staff again? "

Li Yajing turned pale. "Miss Yang, this is a misunderstanding. It's not what you think. Gu Zihang and I are innocent..."

"All right, all right, all right!" Yang Xi waved her hand impatiently, "no, it's about men and women. However, director Gu is so old and leaves because of illness. You can talk about the old man who is sick. It's too irresponsible to choose. "

Li Yajing was so angry that she vomited a liter of blood in her chest. She wanted to tell her that she was still in the body!

On second thought, let Yang Xi misunderstand.

In this way, she would think that robbing Yan was not a threat.

So, Yajing's face was still fawning, "Miss Yang, can you bring one more person to Mrs. Moore's party?"

Yang Xi glanced at her flattering face like an X-ray machine. "Do you want to go with me?"


"But you are more humble than Cheng yingxuan. You are just a servant's daughter. How can I take you? Mrs. Moore would not be happy to take someone like you... "

Li Yajing looked at Yang Xi's haughty face and wanted to slap her.

Can think of their own identity, but also ask for help, can only constantly say good words.


Outside the company, Zhang Jing, yingxuan's assistant, turned on her mobile phone and cursed angrily, "chief engineer Cheng, Yang Qian, that slut in the wechat circle of friends, in the company's internal group, and in the microblog forum, posted Mrs. Moore's invitation. It seems that she can go to the Moore's party. How amazing! Also, a group of company flatterers are flattering Yang Xi and hugging her thighs. It's really These people are so realistic

"It's hard to be invited." Cheng yingxuan curled her lips, "just like Yang Xi said, Mrs. Moore's invitation letter, not everyone is qualified."

"But Yang Xi, she's just drying up. That bitch is still sarcastic that you are not invited and that you are not as noble as she is..." Zhang Jing read a paragraph from Yang Qian's circle of friends: "you can see what words she's given:" such a high-end party, someone's identity is low, and he has no chance in his life. ". She's talking about someone, obviously you. "

"Let her shine." Cheng yingxuan sneered, "I won't let her get through it either!"

"Do you decide to accept the invitation of general manager Yan to be his female companion and to be angry with her?"

"No Cheng yingxuan said coldly, "isn't it just the Party of Moore's house? I'll be there. I'll take a photo at the party and hit Yang Qian in the face

"That's a good idea." Zhang Jing was worried, "but you don't have an invitation..."

"You don't have to worry about that."

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