Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 992

"If you're unfamiliar, you'll be familiar with your practice again..." Little guy suggested.


Happy laughter from time to time from the door, mother and son from time to time you point me, I teach you, piano skills to encourage.

About two hours later, Cheng Xiaobao took a bath and was ready to go to bed. He glanced at the closed security door. "Mom, is Dad coming back today?"

"Whatever." When her voice dropped, Yan shiting opened the door and came in.

However, Cheng Xiaobao went to sleep first and ignored him.

"Son of a bitch, you don't even call dad." Yan shiting frowned.

The little fellow snorted, "where have you been? No, I didn't say a word. When you want to be polite, you should lead by example as an adult. "

At first, she followed Cheng yingxuan to the "extreme hot" restaurant.

This can not be said, Yan shiting only said what happened later, "signed an international contract, I went to see the person in charge of the Asia Pacific region."

It's the first time that I never explain my whereabouts to anyone and tell my son.

"I fell asleep." Cheng Xiaobao yawns into the second bedroom.

Yan shiting's eyes fall on Cheng yingxuan.

She ignored him and went straight into the master bedroom.

He wanted to come into the room with her

Thinking of what she said to Mu Yufeng, "don't force me any more," though it's not for yourself.

He didn't want to push her too hard.

So he went back to his room.

Cheng yingxuan lies alone on the big bed in the room, thinking about what Yan shiting is doing at the moment?

Today, it's a bit unexpected that Mu Yufeng will suddenly propose marriage.

In fact

No matter what, she couldn't agree.

Because the man in her heart is Yan shiting.

If Yan shiting suddenly proposes to her in public

Even if she agreed, it would ruin the future of the Yan family. She was afraid that she would not care about it.

Because she I really want to be a lady of Yan Shao It is not the title of the young lady, but his wife Yan.

The phone rings and she answers.

There came a regular male voice, "Miss Cheng, as you expected, the people Yang Xi invited would plagiarize James' works, which is to our satisfaction."

"By whom?" She asked.

"I found out that the man was Yan shiting, President Yan. Miss Yang Xi asked people to spend a lot of money to revise her works. Yan always paid more than three times the price to let those people directly "repair" Yang Xi's works into the original works of master James. "

"I see." She hung up and sighed.

She thought something was wrong.

The so-called take people's money, and people to eliminate disasters.

After all, those who took Yang Xi's money were also famous architectural masters. They helped to change the works and make them more perfect. However, they would not completely plagiarize them.

It was also so coincidental that thunder group easily found out that he had plagiarized James' works.

It turned out that Yan shiting had inserted a bar secretly.

He is to help her, pressure does not let Yang Xi win.

Although she won by her own strength, Cheng yingxuan still thanks him for his kindness.

Can do so much for her secretly, but don't say it

Only Yan shiting.


In the next two days, Cheng yingxuan was very busy because she won the grand prize in the elite design competition. Congratulations and congratulation from all parties continued.

Many enterprises have invited her to attend lectures in their companies, hoping to give some advice.

She was so busy that she declined.

Yang Qian lost face and asked for sick leave.

On the evening of the third day, Cheng yingxuan had been busy all day and was preparing to leave work. Yang Qian stepped on three inch pointed heels and carried a brand-name bag into the office. "Chief engineer Cheng, will you come home from work tonight?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!