Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 991

Outside the open-air restaurant, Cheng yingxuan's eyes flashed a helpless, "I will not marry you."

The hopeful face of Muyu Maple becomes stiff when it is pounded.

What she said was no, that would be tantamount to unwillingness.

His lacquered Mou Ren is full of pain, "why? Am I not good enough for you

"You're fine." "Marriage without love will not be happy," she said

Feather Maple immediately said, "I don't mind!"

"I mind." She sighed.

His eyes are full of deep pain, "can't you give me a chance?"

"Don't push me any more." She left only one sentence and turned away.

From the beginning to the end, he did not look at the huge diamond ring.

"Well Chief engineer Cheng really doesn't want such a diamond man... " A woman who thought she was young and beautiful said, "Mu Shao, if you propose to me, I will immediately promise..."

The words have not finished, see Mu Yu Feng eye fierce, did not expect to look so gentle a man, unexpectedly have so fierce as wolf's eyes.

She shut her mouth immediately.

The diners next to me are also very sorry.

Mu Yu Feng stood up straight, like a rooster who had been defeated, and pulled the corners of his lips with scorn.

I knew I would fail if I proposed without her consent, didn't I?

Why is the heart still so painful?

He loves Cheng yingxuan, although his purpose is not simple.

Love for her, love for her, but never changed.

He has always been the favorite son of heaven. He was rejected by a woman and trampled on the ground with dignity.

His mood is very complicated, not taste.

I can't let go of her love Mojia also needs him to marry her!

There is no way back but forward.

She said Don't push her again.

It's only nineteen days. How could he not force her?

Mu Yufeng leaves the outdoor restaurant on the top floor in despair.

In the glass box, Yan shiting takes back the pistol, and the corners of his lips arouse an obvious smile.

Cheng yingxuan refuses Mu Yufeng's proposal, needless to say, it's all for his Yan shiting.

How can he be unhappy?

Zheng Wei stares at boss's facial expression from just now murderous ruthlessness to soften a few, really sigh unceasingly.

The boss's all emotions are led by Cheng yingxuan, I guess he does not know.


As soon as Cheng yingxuan opened the burglar proof door, she immediately heard the melodious piano music coming out of the piano room.

She went to a small study specially set up for Xiao Bao, where there were bookshelves, piano, violin

My son's little finger crossed the piano keys smoothly, and the beautiful music was gurgling like a stream.

"Honey, you play so well." She praised it sincerely.

"Mom, you're back!" Cheng Xiaobao turns and pours into her arms.

Cheng yingxuan squatted down and made a "Bo" on his tender face

"Mom, Mr. Wang said that my piano has made great progress and has reached a high level." Xiao Bao's childish voice has the element of inviting merit.

She touched his little head. "Yes. But you can't be proud. Keep up your efforts. "

"Yes, my mother."

"Ha ha..." She laughed. "What's the name?"

"On TV."

Cheng yingxuan nodded slightly and suggested, "shall we play the piano together?"

"Can Xuanxuan also play the piano?"

"I used to. I haven't played it for many years. I don't know if I'm new." , the fastest update of the webnovel!