Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 969

After stopping for a moment, she continued, "after drawing and calculating in my mind, I directly draw and write the diagram, which is much faster. I didn't expect that it took only ten minutes to draw a clear picture and data in my mind."

"Chief engineer Cheng is really good," Yan Li praised. "You are absolutely amazing. Miss Yang Xi's account number exposed the scene of the game at that time. At the beginning of an hour and a half, chief engineer Cheng just sat with your eyes closed and didn't know what you were thinking. Netizens speculated in various comments below. When you opened your eyes and started drawing quickly, everyone was shocked and said that you were possessed by God and drawn by God! Even when I saw the pictures at that time, I was shocked and deeply admired! "

Cheng yingxuan said modestly, "Congratulations!"

On the screen, Cheng yingxuan finished the complicated drawing scene in ten minutes. Yang Xi kept repeating, "impossible, impossible!"

"There are still miracles in the world. For Miss Yang, it is absolutely impossible to draw a picture in ten minutes. It is said that chief engineer Cheng handed in the blank paper, and the monitoring has restored the truth." Yan Li said respectfully, "Cheng yingxuan only took 10 minutes to complete the drawing that others may not have finished in two hours, and the work is extremely perfect."

Yang Xi asked, "so complicated data, she is not wrong?"

"No Yan Li said, "the jury has verified the data, and the accuracy is incomparable. There is a kind of algorithm that can calculate accurately without paper, pen and calculator. It is called mental arithmetic. The jury thinks that Cheng yingxuan's mental calculation has reached the highest level. If Ms. Yang thinks that the data is wrong, and the work of chief engineer Cheng who won the grand prize has been published, you can do it again in private. "

Yang Xi was full of disbelief. "Cheng yingxuan is not good at architectural design drawings at all. How can she draw such a perfect architectural drawing? Can it be copied? Is it someone else's idea? "

The architectural drawing on the screen is stable and full of modern elements. The glass exterior wall and the distance from the thin wall to a piece of glass are undoubtedly at a glance, which makes people feel that the building is very fashionable and full of mysterious charm.

Of course, these are all hand drawn sketches. If you use color drawing 3D drawing, the effect will be better.

"When you say someone else copied it, please show me the evidence." Cheng yingxuan said, "I never disdain to copy other people's ideas. I don't care to use other people's works. "

"Speak better than sing!" Yang Xi cold hiss, "you are to say, how creative come out?"

Cheng yingxuan's eyes glanced at Yan shiting with a clear look like water, "the field of construction engineering is so wide. Indeed, as Ms. Yang said, I'm not good at architectural design, and I didn't intend to participate in this elite design competition. It was only nine days ahead of schedule that I was forced to take part in the competition. It was really in a hurry. Although I worked hard day and night to supplement this knowledge, read a lot of books on appearance, and forced myself to draw several pictures, they were all plain and not brilliant at all. "

Clear if the voice of the sounds of nature spreads all over every corner, "I can't get a good work. In thunder group, which is a master like a cloud, for the result of this competition, it is obvious that I will lose. Even though I will lose, I never want to plagiarize the fruits of other people's labor. "

"How did you get this work?" The host Yan Li is very curious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!