Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 968

Cheng yingxuan smell speech, not even a bit of Mars did not jump up, "you do say, I used what unfair competition means?"

"If you hand in a blank paper, you can also win the grand prize. Only you, Cheng yingxuan, have this ability!" Yang Xi hums coldly.

CEN Sufen winked at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi didn't know, so, "what's the matter? Aunt Yan, she handed in a white paper and won the prize. Should I cover her up? "

"Did I hand in the blank paper..." Cheng yingxuan said coldly, "when invigilator, Ms. CEN is also there. You can ask her."

Yang Xi's puzzled eyes threw Cen Sufen in the past, and the latter shook her head.

"Even if you didn't hand in the blank paper, I remember you didn't even move your pen for an hour and a half, sleeping in the competition room. What can you do with those ten minutes among you when you leave again 20 minutes early? " Yang Xi sneered, "don't tell me that you can draw a design drawing in those ten minutes. It's absolutely impossible!"

"Yes." Cheng yingxuan shrugged, "as an engineer who came back from a famous French university, I don't care to explain this quality to people like you."

Yang Qian couldn't get the grand prize, and her blood was three feet high in her heart, regardless of anything. "Anyway, Cheng yingxuan can win the grand prize, I don't accept it, on behalf of all the people!"

Yan shiting sat in his seat, his cold face had no expression, and he winked at Li Ze, the special assistant beside him.

Li Ze said, "Miss Yang, please pay attention to your words. You are not qualified to represent everyone, you can only represent yourself!"

Yang Qian clenched her teeth and saw that the speaker was Mr. Yan's special help. "She was unconvinced and did not accept the company's hidden rules. Cheng yingxuan, relying on the backstage of general manager Yan, won the grand prize that should belong to me!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Cool thin laughter from the man's cold lips spit out, the laughter of the people turned out to be Yan shiting.

He looked at Yang Xi like a clown.

Yang Xi, who had never been seen by him, thought that he was finally appreciating herself. She immediately fell in love with each other and said in a coquettish voice, "please give me a fair deal!"

"Then deal with it fairly and fairly." Yan shiting's voice just dropped, and the host Yan Li said, "please look at the works on the screen..." There was a hand-painted design on it, "this is the work of Mr. Cheng. Whether it's appearance, counting, measurement, data, every stroke drawn It is perfect and can be called a masterpiece of masterpieces

"It can't be Cheng yingxuan's work..." Yang Xi roared, "even two hours may not be able to draw, she can start writing for 10 minutes at most..."

"There are miracles in the world." Yan Li continued, "let's solve Miss Yang's doubts. Please look at the big screen again Drawing is monitored throughout the competition. This is the scene of Cheng yingxuan's competition field in the morning Did chief engineer Cheng really "sleep" for the first hour and a half, as Miss Yang Qian said? I can't agree with these two words, because chief engineer Cheng has a good sitting posture and hardly changes his sitting posture for an hour and a half. How can he fall asleep? Excuse me, chief engineer Cheng, what were you doing at that time? "

"I'm meditating." Cheng yingxuan's voice was clearly transmitted to every angle.

"Meditate on what?"

"I draw a particularly complex architectural design in my mind." "Every stroke, every painting, every data, I've done it in my mind," she said , the fastest update of the webnovel!