Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 918

"Cheng Gong..." Zhang Jing is worried about Cheng yingxuan.

Cheng yingxuan is not a little emotional waves on her face, playing with her nails leisurely, "Miss Yang, how can you be an intermediate engineer, how can your conduct degenerate to this point?"

"Do you think it's bad conduct for me to sleep with brother Shi Ting?" Yang Xi asked sarcastically, "didn't you sleep with him?"

"Don't lie about the innocence of general manager Yan. After all, you are paid by him now. " Cheng yingxuan is sure that Yan shiting has only touched himself so far.

Because Yan shiting not only has a serious habit of cleanliness, other women touch his body, he will have a serious red rash.

In addition to her Cheng yingxuan, Ting Ting may not touch other women in this life.

Yang Xi refused to admit, "I was with brother Shi Ting last night..."

"We have a colleague who happens to live near your home." Cheng yingxuan coolly interrupted her, "colleagues saw you go out from your own home by your driver this morning, but didn't see Mr. Yan."

"It's not normal to sleep together last night and not go out in the morning?" Yang Xi still wants to quibble.

Cheng yingxuan glanced at her delicate face. The woman didn't make a draft when she lied. It seems that the picture of Yan shiting visiting her in the hospital, which she sent, was also a big problem, "general manager Yan is working, next door. Let me ask your brother Shi Ting. Did you have a good time last night

Get up, get out of the chair and walk out the door.

Yang Xi whitewashed her face and quickly blocked in front of her, "Cheng yingxuan How can you ask him about this? Do you want more face? "

Yan shiting has never slept with her, if she asks. He knew that he told such a lie to Cheng, and he would certainly be furious and could not be dismissed directly.

Never let Cheng ask.

Cheng yingxuan glanced at Yang Xi's guilty expression, and the rotten woman was lying as expected, "it's because you want to face, so you have to ask clearly. If you do sleep, I will help you

"It's office time Where can I ask the president personal questions... " Yang Xi made an excuse at will.

Cheng yingxuan was funny, "you said that I don't divide public and private? I think Yan shiting doesn't mind if I ask him. "

To get around her and get ready to go out, Yang Xi went over and opened her arms and said, "OK, OK, I just joked with you. Although general manager Yan slept with me last night, nothing happened to us..."

Cheng yingxuan is too lazy to listen to her break, drink heavily, "get out of the way!"

An awe inspiring momentum, born with the dignity of a leader.

Yang Xi was inexplicably frightened and said, "Yan shiting was in Yan's old house last night, and I was in my own house. Just now I was joking with you. You won't be so stingy. Would you like to sue me if brother Ting died? "

Cheng yingxuan picked her eyebrows. "It's your virtue. It's estimated that Yan shiting sleeps with you."

Yang Xi's face turned white with anger. "He's not in jinghongyuan these days. He's obviously ready to abandon you. You still don't know the situation! Men are fond of the new and detest the old. For him, I have a sense of freshness. You are tired of playing with him

"Shut up!" Cheng yingxuan Li drink a, "you this rotten mouth again nonsense, careful I smoke you!"

Yang Xi wants to go back with her very much. Seeing Zhang Jing in the office, Zhang Jing will definitely help Cheng yingxuan once a fight starts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!