Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 917

Disdainfully glanced at Yang Qian's BMW three series, "I see you have just stopped by the road for a long time. When there is no one, you don't get off the bus, and wait for a group of colleagues to come to you. They are waiting to praise your car and you have a driver? The third series is BMW's entry-level lowest grade car. It doesn't matter whether the car is good or bad. It's boring to compare people. It's good to show off! "

Then he walked to the company gate.

Several other female colleagues listen to Zhang Jing say so, also show disdain eyes have entered the company.

Yang Qian's face was embarrassed. She originally wanted to make people envious, envious and hateful. How did it backfire?

Staring at Cheng yingxuan's SUV that disappeared at the corner, Yang Xi gritted her teeth bitterly. As expected, it would be no good to meet Cheng yingxuan.


In the chief engineer's office, Yang Xi came in on time, "watch the time, I'm not late, so as not to remember my absenteeism for no reason."

Assistant Zhang Jing in his seat, "when did Cheng Gong remember that you were absent from work for no reason, before that, you didn't come to work."

"I said

"Last time, chief engineer Cheng didn't approve of your leave."

"Well, think of me as bad luck." Yang Xi said coldly, "I'll ask for leave later, so I won't look for Cheng yingxuan. Go straight to brother Shi Ting. "

Zhang Jingri went back, "I see you don't have the courage to ask for leave from general manager Yan. You fainted into the hospital. The Yang family didn't look for any deputy general manager to approve the leave?"

Yang Xi was angry, "surnamed Zhang, what benefits did Cheng yingxuan give you? Do you defend her everywhere?"

"She didn't do me any good. But... " Zhang Jingli, of course, said, "I've got this job from her. You're going to fire me, and she's guaranteed it. If I don't defend it, do I still protect you? "

He pointed to the desk behind him and said, "your seat is behind my little assistant. You are not telling the whole company that chief engineer Cheng is unfair. How can you come to this office? You can ask for a transfer. The company's lobby office has more room for you to set your desk. "

Cheng yingxuan sat behind her desk and said, "where can she be willing to leave this office? Eighty eight floors, on the same floor as Mr. Yan. "

"Yes, I am reluctant to transfer." Yang Xi also sat behind Zhang Jing, "where brother Ting is so close to the world, you can get the moon first. What's the matter with me

If you really go to the lobby office, any floor, even in the same company, you can't see Yan shiting for several years.

According to other colleagues, there are people who have not seen the president for several years.

Even if this is Cheng yingxuan's exclusive office, it's strange that Yang Xi will move away.

"Then you have to flatter our chief engineer Cheng, so that she won't kick you out of the office if she's upset." Zhang Jing cast her lips ironically.

"This office, sooner or later, will be mine!" When Yang Xilu was sitting in yingxuan's seat, she leaned close to her, "brother Shi Ting didn't go to jinghongyuan last night. He was there last night. He also said to you I'm tired of it. "

She said with a triumphant smile and waited to see Cheng yingxuan's face change greatly.

When she was about to say something like a whisper, Zhang Jing ran behind her in a few steps, listening to her ears, and was shocked.

Yang Xi turned to see her and looked at her casually, "what are you eavesdropping on! Also, Cheng yingxuan's followers, to you know it doesn't matter. Brother Shi Ting slept with me last night. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!