Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 915

"Yan always works hard." Yang Xi gave him a grateful smile, which was as if old master Yan was her grandfather.

Old master Yan was not happy and said, "what's the name of general manager Yan, so unfamiliar? The Yan and Yang families are about to get married. You should call her shiting... "

Yan shiting cut off his words, "I do as a junior, don't care about it!"

"I'm your grandfather. How can I care?" Old master Yan was so excited that his face turned red and his breath was short.

The nurse who was waiting at the side quickly patted him on the back. He said, "Mr. Yan, the doctor has told me that the old master can't be angry, or his life will be in danger. Please be patient."

Yan shiting cold face, "grandfather, you good recuperation, I went to work."

"Wait..." Old master Yan finally got over his anger and said, "Yang Xi is kind enough to come to see me. She works in your company. You can give her a ride."

Yan shiting coldly glanced at Yang Xi, who did not speak with her head down, and turned out of the door of the ward.

"Don't you keep up?" Old master Yan said to Yang Xi, "the child shiting didn't refuse, that's to say yes."

Yang Xi "warm" a, quickly follow Yan shiting's footsteps.

Chasing his tall and straight figure to the hospital parking lot, she was very excited.

As far as she knows, Yan shiting's luxury car never carries unimportant women.

Later, the whole company will know that she is in Yan shiting's exclusive car to go to the company, and will certainly be fried.

Cheng yingxuan, in particular, is not jealous of hematemesis.

Knowing from the old master Yan that Yan shiting didn't go back to Cheng foxing in jinghongyuan last night, she told Cheng yingxuan that Yan shiting was in her bed last night, and she didn't know what expression Cheng would have?

Yan shiting pressed the remote control key of the luxury car, opened the door and stepped into the car first.

Yang Xi was just about to open the door of the co pilot's seat. Unexpectedly, the door was locked and could not be opened. "Yan Mr. Yan

He didn't like her to be called brother shiting. Even if old master Yan asked her to call her closer, he didn't dare to be ignorant.

Afraid that he left her alone, she quickly said, "you promised my grandfather in the ward that he would take me to the hospital..."

Yan shiting coldly glanced at her face with exquisite makeup, "he is not your grandfather, and I did not promise to send it in person. If you dare to report back to the ward, try it! "

Threatening to drop a sentence, a step on the gas pedal, the super windy luxury car drove away.

After a few steps, Yang Xi's face turned white with anger and chopped her feet in place.

Blah blah

The sound of the car honking.

Zheng Wei, the driver, pulled up beside her with a car of 100000 yuan. "Miss Yang, are you alone in the hospital? Shall I take you to the company? First of all, it's not general manager Yan's instruction. It's me who drives you by the way. When you get to the company, you can't talk nonsense, saying that it's the order of general manager Yan. If you don't really spread rumors, I won't give face to clarify. "

"Well, I don't want to sit in such a broken car. I have my own driver! " Yang Xi made a phone call and the Yang driver who sent her was waiting at the gate of the hospital.

"Do some drivers come here early in the morning to take advantage of our general manager Yan's car and pull close?" Zheng Wei debunked her, "you are not good enough."

"You Yang Xi glared angrily.

Early in the morning, CEN Sufen called from Yan's old house and said that Yan shiting lived in the old house last night and would visit the hospital in the morning to let her seize the opportunity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!