Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 914

"Before you let her disappear, you should lose face first!" she said

"This is my good daughter!" Yang Fu nodded.

"Dad, the news media are scolding me, what to do?"

"What else can I do? When you had a competition, someone immediately posted live and was quickly reprinted by the news media. After all, it's just a golf match. It's not a big deal. It will fade in a few days. " Yang's father reminded coldly, "don't put all your mind on dealing with Cheng yingxuan. We should pay more attention to grasp Yan shiting's heart. "

"Yan shiting is too hard to get close to." Yang Xi a sad face, "however, the daughter has managed to let Cheng yingxuan and Yan shiting have a gap."

"If Yan shiting is so easy to win, how can Yan family have today?" Yang Fu didn't care, "as far as I know, Yan shiting hasn't lived in jinghongyuan these days. It seems that she is gradually alienating Cheng yingxuan. You don't have to worry too much, no matter which man, the future of career and family is always the most important. Cheng yingxuan has no background, and it will be sooner or later that she is abandoned by Yan shiting. "

"I don't worry about losing to her!" A touch of malice flashed through Yang Qian's eyes.


Yan shiting drove Cheng yingxuan to jinghongyuan in an Aston Martin luxury car and left.

Cheng yingxuan looks at the car's buttocks that have gone away from the dust, and her heart is filled with a bit of loss.

The man who was protecting her a moment ago left without hesitation.

She said to send herself home, he really only sent her home?

He won't get out of the car with him!

Didn't he express his love for good in the car just now!

Cheng yingxuan suddenly restrained her expression.

He used to say that he loved her. In fact, his love for her has been reduced to like?

So, is it true that he went to the hospital to see Yang Xi?

He didn't live in jinghongyuan for several days. He said he was on business and was flying everywhere.

Do you still have to travel?

Cheng yingxuan holds her mobile phone in her hand. She wanted to call Li Ze and Yan shiting about her itinerary.

Staring at the mobile phone for a few seconds, the phone still did not dial out.

He wants to alienate himself, so let him.


Yan shiting drove directly to the hospital.

Special help Li Ze phone over, "boss, old master Yan just sober up, ask you when to see him in the hospital?"

"In half an hour."

"The old man's condition is not stable. He said that he would like you to accompany him more..."


The next morning, in the hospital ward where old master Yan lived, Yang Xi came to visit the patient with fruit.

"Just do it yourself. You don't have to bring anything." Old master Yan was lying in the hospital bed, his voice was weak.

"Grandfather, you should get well early. Brother Shi Ting and I are worried about you. " Yang Xi is full of concern.

"I know you are filial." Old master Yan saw Yan shiting just opened the door and walked into the ward. "Shiting, sisie, this child is interested. She has come to visit me several times. Thank you for me

Yan shiting's face was as cold as ice, and he only said coldly, "grandfather, you can keep your mind at ease."

"I will." Old master Yan took Yang Xi's hand and said, "we shiting is such a cold tempered person. In fact, he is very filial. He came to the hospital yesterday. I forced him to go back to rest until the late midnight. He came back so early and came back again."

Yan shiting wanted to go back to Jinghong garden to see Xuanxuan and Xiaobao last night. He was afraid it was too late to wake up the mother and the son. Moreover, it was near the Yan Family's old house, so he stayed in the old house at night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!