Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 909

I like, I love, I love super! The cry of blood in her heart.

Will there be people who don't like money? It's just that her pride doesn't allow her to take his money.

He is also afraid that he will rob Xiaobao's custody with her, saying that money is the maintenance fee he gives Xiaobao.

"Say you miss me." He said coldly, "as long as you say it, I can forgive you for your shameless refusal to propose and not to contact me for a few days!"

She could not think of staring at his ice heavy handsome face, "who do you say is shameless?"

"Your behavior."

She was also angry, "I don't want you, you keep getting angry."

He wanted to open the front passenger's door and get out of the car. He had expected that she would do this and locked the central control from the driver's seat.

She couldn't open the door. She was so angry that she wanted to get out of the convertible. He hugged her. "You're not going anywhere!"

"You let me go!" She denounced.

I really don't understand, clearly want to stay away from him, why still entangled with him, or in other words, can not get rid of his entanglement.

As long as he has been indifferent, he has not contacted her.

There can be no relationship between her and him, just a common child.

"No Yan shiting gave a domineering drink, and suddenly bowed his head. His cold and thin lips grabbed her soft lips, and the juice took the sweet fragrance from her lips.

Cheng yingxuan was hugged tightly by him and slapped him on the back Well... " If you want him to let go, his lips are sealed, so you can only slap his broad back.

As if he didn't feel the pain, he kissed her harder.

He almost broke his lips.

Click, click, click!

In the dark, a reporter quietly took a picture, turned and ran away.

Cheng yingxuan was almost breathless by his kiss, and he just let go of her. Her eyes were full of lust. "Cheng yingxuan, we haven't done it for a long time. I want you!"

"I don't want you!" She spoke out of conscience.

In fact, when he was away, he was lying alone in the quilt. Sometimes he would miss his warm and strong arms, his warm body temperature, and his frankness

He looks cold as ice, "don't want me, who do you want?"

If she dares to say Mu Yufeng, he will immediately put her in the right place, even if it is in the seaside, even if there is someone nearby!

He doesn't mind declaring to the world in this way that she is his!

His eyes, heavy as ice, have a crack warning, like the tranquility before the coming of the rain, as if the next moment will be crazy.

Cheng yingxuan was really afraid that he would go crazy and do something out of the ordinary.

According to her previous style, she will definitely say that Mu Yufeng is angry with him.

Glancing at the rage in his eyes, inexplicably dare not pull out the tiger beard, "no one wants it!"

He didn't say anything about other men. Yan shiting could barely accept this and glared at her with a cold face.

Cheng yingxuan was staring at him and changed the topic. "Just now, a reporter took a picture of me kissing you. Do you want to order someone to chase back? In this period, it's not good to publish such photos. "

"Kissing photos?" Yan shiting raised his eyebrows and said, "isn't it that I forced a kiss on you. Ha ha... "

She fixed his act of forcibly kissing her just now as kissing, and his mood suddenly turned clear again. He said indifferently, "what's wrong with publishing? I've got your kids and I care about a few kisses? "

In fact, he would love to show the world how he kisses her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!