Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 908

"Although Yang Xi doesn't dare to say that you are dating her, she is also misleading me. You're still silent. " She reminded.

"I was angry with you!" His voice was accentuated.

She is also angry with him!

Unfortunately, I don't want to admit it.

Because she has too many scruples.

Smart as he, suddenly understand, she did not explain, but also because he and Yang Xi appeared together, was also angry.

"Cheng yingxuan, I haven't been at home for a few days. Do you want to miss me

The cold tone was so natural, as if the home in his mouth was his destination.

"How many days will I be away?" She raised her eyebrows.

He looked at her moist eyes again, but her beautiful little face still had no expression. "You dead woman, you always have a reserved mood and don't like to be exposed. This problem makes my teeth itch with love and hate. Do you miss me these days


He pulled down his face and really wanted to beat her ass hard. His voice was full of domineering voice, "who allows you not to miss me?"

"Naturally, I don't want to. Do you still need permission?" She said coldly, "I don't need your approval for my behavior."

He really care about her, a few days do not return home, information is not a, big mistake!

Yan shiting gazed at her cold pretty face and suddenly laughed, "Cheng yingxuan, you are worried about me."

"Who's worried about you." Still dead duck beak hard, do not admit.

"I've been very busy with my work these days. I've been flying all over the country. I've been so busy that I've come back only once." He was a little bit lost and said, "I have given my special help to Li Ze. He can report my whereabouts to you at any time. As a result, for several days, you didn't even ask. I didn't even send me a message. "

"Don't blame me for everything." She sneered, "didn't you still send a message?" In the middle came back Just go to the hospital to see Yang Xi.

"Well, blame me." He had no choice but to encircle her tightly in his arms and hold her soft and delicate body. He felt a sense of satisfaction psychologically, but he wanted her more physically. "I don't take the initiative to contact you. I'm just angry. You refused my proposal in front of Yang Xi. I've always been on the top, and I've never been able to give orders. Who dares to say no to me? It's just you, stepping on mines again and again. I want to punish you, but I can't give up. "

She was hugged and hugged by him. Her face was stiff and she wanted to push away. His arms were as iron as iron. He only hooped her more tightly. He didn't give her a chance to push away. "Do you know, these days, my mobile phone has been staring at several holes. I thought there was something wrong with my mobile phone and I couldn't get your message. I smashed several mobile phones. "

She pulled at the corners of her mouth, "your mobile phone is so high-end, how can something go wrong? The probability of problems is very low. "

"I am angry, you don't contact me, angry you don't bow to me, should not refuse my proposal." He reached out and stroked her meticulous hair, took off the hairpin, let her a long green silk spread behind her, "can't take you out of anger, had to smash the mobile phone to get angry."

"You have a lot of money." Her heart aches for money. The cheapest mobile phone of her is more than 100000 yuan, and several of them have been destroyed. It is really impossible to smash the income of some people in N years.

"But you don't like my money." He was a little dispirited. She didn't ask for money once.

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