Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 851

I didn't expect that he just raised his head and didn't even give her a look, so he continued to be busy.

Yang Xi's self-esteem is a little hurt.

He had seen her a few times before, and he knew her even though she had become more beautiful in recent years.

Frozen at the door of the office, she didn't know what to do. She continued to knock on the door awkwardly, "brother Shi Ting..."

Yan shiting frowned when he heard her address. He just wanted to correct it. When he saw Cheng yingxuan coming by with the document, he changed his mind, "you're here."

This sentence is to Cheng yingxuan, who knows that the woman who connects is Yang Qian, "yes, it's only an hour after I received the admission notice, and I came to work in a hurry. I can see how much I miss you. For you, I've even cancelled my big shopping plan. "

Yang Xi was very happy to enter the office for his familiar tone.

Cheng yingxuan was not happy with Yan shiting's familiar attitude to Yang Xi.

If it's another woman, or an ordinary acquaintance, it doesn't matter.

He knew that Yang Xi was the wife the Yan family had found for him. It was infuriating to get her into the company.

The profile also shows that

Yan shiting's concern for her Cheng yingxuan is nothing but that.

Shi Ting wants to drink and scold Yang Xi, but he can see Cheng yingxuan's expressionless attitude and no jealousy at all. He feels uncomfortable, "it's hard for you."

The words or to Cheng yingxuan said, is still Yang Qian interface, "so in a hurry to report, is a little hard. But for you, brother Shi Ting, everything is worth it. "

Brother shiting

Hearing this, Cheng yingxuan drank a bowl of vinegar directly.

Her name is Yan shiting, and she's not such a jerk.

Damn it, Yan allows Yang Xi to call that!

Grass egg!

In her heart, Cheng yingxuan is still standing beside her, and she doesn't fart.

Seeing Cheng yingxuan's indifferent expression, Yan shiting completely lost the meaning of explanation.

With anger in his heart, he pointed to the Italian imported leather sofa beside him and added a fire, "you can sit down."

Yang Xi didn't go to the sofa. Instead, she went around the wide desk and came to the chair where Yan shiting was sitting. "Brother shiting, you haven't even read the entry report of others."

Bent down, the chest of the two bombs seems to be inadvertently to his face, "you see."

She was dressed in a white waisted suit with a black undergarment showing half of her chest. She was hot and charming.

two people close to the body, he smelled a faint perfume smell from her body. Though not evil, he did not love artificial perfume, but love Cheng Yingxuan's natural fragrance.

It's a little unbearable. Yan shiting tries to push Yang Xi away, but he resists it.

Because Cheng yingxuan's hands are crossed in front of her chest, and there is a document between her slender and beautiful index finger and Zhongshi, standing leisurely on the side, obviously watching the "bustle".

He said with a cold face, "just give your employment report to the personnel department. You don't have to send it to me."

"People don't miss you. They want to show you." Yang Xijiao smiles, "we are all grown up together. Brother Shi Ting, I like you since I was a child. "

"Oh, is it?" Yan shiting lies on the back of the chair with all his spare time. It seems that he is stretching, but in fact he is avoiding Yang Qian's bomb.

Seeing that he didn't stop her behavior at all, Yang Xi decided that he didn't care much about Cheng yingxuan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!