Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 850

According to the data, she also graduated from the Department of architecture.

Yang Qian had only seen a photo of process yingxuan from the news. Unexpectedly, Cheng's facial features were too beautiful to describe. Sai Xue's skin could be broken, and her tender lips made people unable to move their eyes. Her nose was pretty straight. Her eyes were like clear water and pure as an angel.

With such a beautiful appearance, no wonder Yan shiting was fascinated by her.

She has always been confident that she is a beautiful woman, but in front of Cheng yingxuan, she makes a comparison.

A touch of jealousy grew out of her heart

There was disdain in her eyes.

The fox spirit surnamed Cheng is nothing but a man's goods that can be kept by flesh and blood. The rest can't be compared with himself.

Just the family background of the Yang family is enough to step on Cheng yingxuan into the mud!

Her self-confidence ability is not comparable to this fox spirit.

Cold hum, Yang Xi did not say hello, as for the chief engineer's office Zhang Jing, is directly ignored, went to the next door to the president's office.

"Ah! Who is that woman? So proud? " Zhang Jingli was discontented. "Cheng Gong, you are the chief engineer of thunder group. She doesn't even bird you, but also shows scorn in her eyes. It's too much!"

Cheng yingxuan suddenly did not hear, began to analyze the computer on the site of the temporary video sent.

In the video, there is a problem in the construction site, which needs her to direct and solve.

She also looked through it, immediately picked up the office phone call back in the past, explained a few words to solve the problem.

Just hang up, the phone rings again.

She pressed the hands-free button.

Only a middle-aged man's voice rang through the hands-free voice, "Cheng Gong, there are 20 vehicles of C30 concrete on the construction site of Xiya garden, which will be scrapped immediately. I don't know how to deal with it?"

"Open the mixing back, add some water, add some admixtures, find a thunder group under construction site, as C20 concrete issued."


Cheng yingxuan handles a problem, because as a chief engineer, any technology or subordinates can not solve, she has to make up her mind.

Even if she didn't have to work overtime and other senior engineers shared the task, she was still busy.


Next door, the door of the president's office was not closed. Yang Xi saw Yan shiting sitting behind a wide desk. She was dignified, domineering, cold and mysterious, and had a fatal attraction for women.

Her heart missed a beat.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked politely on the open door of the office.

Yan shiting sticks to his pen and quickly marks the documents he reads. He glances up at the woman standing at the door. He looks down and continues to process the documents.

Yang Xi started to wait for thunder group to work from yesterday. Yan uncle Yan Song said that he didn't reply so soon.

I didn't expect to receive a notice from Ren Bozhong, vice president of thunder group today, saying that Yan shiting personally agreed with her to enter the company.

She was so happy that he would agree. That means she cares!

She had already put on her make-up and was about to go shopping. She changed into a woman's dress that looked capable. She even cancelled her shopping plan and reported directly to the company.

An hour later, Yan shiting must be very happy to see her, right?

Before going out, she specially looked in the mirror, and felt that her dress up was very feminine and charming.

He thought that Yan shiting would be shocked by her beauty when he saw her at the first sight. He would certainly look at her more. , the fastest update of the webnovel!