Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 845

“……” Yan shiting said, "did she say that to you? Say I'm embarrassing her

"Isn't it?"

"Did she tell you that I assigned her a job because she wanted to have dinner with Mu Yufeng?"

"It's her freedom!"

"I won't allow it!" Yan shiting looks domineering and cold.

"I don't want you to embarrass my mother." Cheng Xiaobao looked down at him coldly, "I give you two choices. One, tell my mother not to work overtime any more. 2、 I don't call you dad anymore

"You Yan shiting was infuriated instantly. He was never easily angry. His reason was extremely angry. "I'm your father. This is the fact that can't be changed. You have to shout if you don't cry."

Cheng Xiaobao didn't dump him at all. "I was raised by my mother alone. In my heart, Xuanxuan is the most important. No one can bully her, including you!"

Listening to his son's words, Yan shiting strangely extinguished his anger.

Although he wanted a son very much and had Xiaobao, he found that Cheng yingxuan still had an irreplaceable position in his heart.

She is even more important than Xiao Bao.

Of course, he did not deny that he also loved Xiaobao, a father's love with blood thicker than water.

Although she recognized her son, Xiaobao was right. Cheng yingxuan raised her son all these years.

The newly established father son relationship is really weak and needs to be well maintained.

Yan shiting also appreciated his son's small age and was not afraid of him. He went to the sofa and picked up his son's small body. "Baby, my love for your mother will not be less than you."

"Then take out your love." His father's attitude softened, and Xiaobao didn't want to oppose him.

Yan shiting gave his son a kiss on his bright forehead, "but he ordered your mother to work for a month Now I'm back on my word. I'm sorry for my face... "

Cheng Xiaobao pointed to the wall clock. "Now it's six thirty in the evening. My mother is too busy to eat dinner. Don't you feel sad?"

"Heartache." Yan shiting's heart is really depressed and painful all the time. He would like to feed Cheng yingxuan to eat with his own hands and watch her eat it one by one.

"Not eating on time is bad for your health." Xiaobao tried to reason with him, "is it my mother's health or your face?"

"Of course, the former." Answer without hesitation.

"That's it." Cheng Xiaobao patted his father's thick shoulder like a small adult, "Dad, I believe you know what to do."

Yan shiting held his son in one hand and let his small body sit on his lap. While he took out his mobile phone, he called Li Ze, a special assistant, "where are you now?"

"Boss, I'm on my way home from work..." There's the noise of cars in the city.

"You go back to the company and ask Cheng yingxuan not to work overtime. All the tasks assigned to her will be given to other engineers."

"This Yes Li Ze drove his car and turned around at the traffic lights in front of him.

Yan shiting hung up the phone and asked his son in his arms gently, "are you satisfied now?"

"Well, there is nothing good that can be corrected if you know something wrong."

"What is it to know the wrong and correct it?" Yan shiting didn't think he was wrong.

"It's a big mistake for you to arrange so many jobs for my mother out of jealousy. Now it's changed. It's worth learning. "

Yan shiting found that he couldn't tell his son, "that's why your mother wants to eat with Mu Yufeng first..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!