Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 844

Reply: don't act rashly and wait for instructions.

After reading the message, she carefully deleted the message.

When she took the elevator back to the 88th floor of the top floor of the thunder group, it was time to get off work. She saw Cheng yingxuan still working in the office. "Cheng Gong, it's off work. Will you come with me?"

"The next month will be overtime." Cheng yingxuan pointed to a stack of documents on the desk. "You file this stack of documents, and the clients and project managers who should be engaged will make an appointment with them one by one, so that they can see me. If necessary, I can also go to see them."

"There's your desk." Cheng points to a new desk near the wall.


"Can I get used to working overtime?"

"Absolutely no problem." Zhang Jing picked up a pile of documents and went to her desk.

Yan shiting in the next office of course knows about Zhang Jing's entry into the job. For such a detailed work, he has no expression and seems to take nothing seriously.

At half past five in the afternoon, Yan shiting wants to call Cheng yingxuan home.

Passing the chief engineer's office, I saw Cheng yingxuan still working hard.

She is a capable woman's suit. Her long hair and waist are neatly tied in the back of her head and tied into a ball with a hair band. A wisp of black silk is hanging down from the sideburns mischievously, adding a trace of feminine charm.

She lowered her head slightly, and her drooping eyelids showed that her long and thick eyelashes were more like cicada wings.

Bright eyes, red lips and white teeth, focusing on the document, there is a kind of unspeakable charm.

It turns out that women at work are so attractive.

In other words, no matter when he saw Cheng yingxuan, he felt that his heart seemed to be controlled by her, his whole mind was attracted by her, and his whole heart could only hold her.

In his eyes, she is not afraid of attraction at any time, and has fatal attraction to him!

The sound of men's shoes went through the corridor floor at the door of the office until he reached the elevator door. Cheng yingxuan did not raise her head.

Yan shiting resisted the impulse to go back to find her.

Heart block gas, she doesn't look at him, why did he take a hot face to stick her cold butt, ask for trouble.

Let her add classes, compensation for the taste of hard work, eat a bit of pain!

He drove back to jinghongyuan. In the living room, Cheng Xiaobao sat on the sofa watching TV. He caught a glimpse of Yan shiting opening the door and peeking behind him. Nobody saw his mother until he closed the door. He deliberately asked, "where is my mother?"

"She's still working overtime." Yan shiting looked cold.

Cheng Xiaobao is not happy to listen to, put down the remote control in his hand, "are you not the boss of the company? Why did she have to work overtime? "

In fact, Yan shiting also regretted sending Cheng yingxuan so many tasks that he was absent-minded all the way back, "work needs."

Don't want to tell the child, he is jealous, in order to prevent Cheng yingxuan and Mu Yufeng dating just like that.

We can't take back any work orders that have been given for no reason.

"Well, you have so many employees, why don't you let others work overtime?" Cheng Xiaobao was so angry that he smashed the remote control on the tea table. "My mother's first day at work, you're going to make her busy and put her in a dilemma!"

Yan shiting micro squint to see his son smash the remote control action, "the little guy is really angry, who allowed you to smash the remote control?"

"You also said that you hurt my mother and would take good care of my mother..." Cheng Xiaobao said angrily, "I am venting my dissatisfaction with you! My mother just called me and said you've done a lot of work for her , the fastest update of the webnovel!