Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 832

"Mr. Cheng has a good memory. I thought you were busy and forgot." Huang Qi also laughed.

Then there was the competition among the directors to introduce herself to her.

"Cheng Gong, you are so beautiful. You are the youngest and unconventionally promoted Senior Engineer Engineer Engineer in this city. It's better to see everything than to hear it!"

"Hello, you have temperament. Your figure is so good that you can't see a child born at all..."

"Cheng Gong, your working ability is first-class. It's a great honor to work with you..."

Cheng yingxuan suffered a lot of flattery.

The funniest thing is that she has the best working ability She came to work in thunder group, and she hasn't started work yet This flattery is fake to death.

Of course, she knows that everyone flatters her because she gave birth to Cheng Xiaobao For the sake of Yan shiting's only heir.

In other words, they are afraid that she will become the future boss's wife, so they should have a good relationship.

A little tired of coping, she made a few casual remarks and asked Li Ze to take her to the office.

Li Ze took her to take the elevator for senior executives, which is reasonable for her title.

But when he pressed the top button of the elevator, she asked, "would you take me to Yan shiting? I just met him. If you meet the boss, you don't have to. "

"Your office is on the top floor." Li Ze replied politely.

Cheng yingxuan was a little surprised. "Isn't there only the president's office on the top floor? And you, as a special assistant to the president, are also working on the top floor. Yan shiting doesn't like to work on the same floor with others. "

"General manager Yan told me that your office is next door to him."

“……” Cheng yingxuan was silent for a few seconds. "Can I say no?" I don't want to see Yan all the time.

"No Li Ze a deputy business attitude, "the president's order, no one can change."

"All right." She shrugged her shoulders indifferently. It was just the office. Then she would fight him next door.

When he got out of the elevator, the door of the president's office was open. Yan shiting was sitting behind a wide desk. He looked down and was reading the documents. He wrote a note from time to time. His attentive expression, with an indescribable charm, attracted Cheng yingxuan almost unable to move her eyes.

Men at work are always charming, especially the diamond level God who is so handsome and temperament.

Zheng Wei, the driver and bodyguard, stood respectfully behind Yan shiting. Even if he was standing, his temperament was better than that of his master. The master was heaven and he was the earth.

Feeling the gaze in his eyes, Yan shiting raises his head from his work and meets Cheng yingxuan in the air.

He sat up straight with pleasure in his dark eyes. His thin lips said, "it's my pleasure to be appreciated by a beautiful woman like you."

"Hum." Cheng yingxuan snorted coldly, "when did you learn to talk?"

"It's just the truth." He sneered, "your voice cold hum, on behalf of you are Cheng yingxuan, or the chief engineer of thunder group?"

"Is there any difference?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The former means you are my woman..." His eyes were thin and sharp. "I can allow my woman to be capricious occasionally. The latter No matter what position you are in thunder group, if you are disrespectful to me, I will directly dismiss you. "

Cheng yingxuan's face changed slightly. She wanted her to admit that she was his in front of his subordinates!

This dead man is more cunning than fox!

But if she didn't admit it, she had just been on the job and had not been laid off for half an hour, then she would have lost face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!