Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 831

Numerous female employees looked at Yan shiting's back, and red stars appeared in their eyes.

Li Yajing, the daughter of sister-in-law Chen, a maid of Yan's family, is also among the employees. She disdains to listen to the chatter of a group of flower lovers.

What Yan always has Cheng yingxuan

The whole Yan family knows that the future Yan Shao's wife is Yang Qian, the daughter of General Yang.

Cheng yingxuan is at best just a fertility tool to warm up the bed for Yan!

"Isn't Cheng yingxuan's first day at work?" Li Yajing pretended to be curious and asked, "it's said that general manager Yan favors her. Why did Yan always take Zheng Wei, the driver, to the company first, and didn't care about Cheng yingxuan? Is it possible that Yan doesn't care about her at all? "

Li Zetou, Yan shiting's special assistant, gave her a warning saying, "director Li Yajing, be careful of your words!"

"Brother "The truth is told by others. If Yan really cares about her, he should introduce her to his employees in person. "

"This task has been handed over to me by general manager Yan." Li Ze's face solemnly said, "in the company, don't try to get married, don't call me brother."

Yajing knows that her brother is rigid, "hum, don't call, like who doesn't know you are my brother."

Last time she was instructed by Cen Sufen, she made cakes by herself and sent them to Yan shiting's headquarters. Unexpectedly, he didn't eat them at all and threw them away.

She left in tears and was scolded by her brother.

Fortunately, I just heard that the design department of thunder group recruited ordinary staff, and she applied successfully.

Not willing to only be an ordinary employee, she used some means to become the director of the design department.

As a supervisor, I finally have a chance to meet Yan shiting.

She has been in love with him since childhood and determined to be his woman. Even if she can't be the young lady of Yan family, even if she warms his bed and is only his lover, she is willing to do it!

Cheng yingxuan takes the elevator from the underground parking lot to the first floor. Li Zeyou, a special assistant of Yan shiting, sends her a text message saying that she is waiting in the lobby on the first floor.

Yan shiting had taken a high-rise special elevator to the top floor, but they did not meet. She stepped out of the elevator and saw that the lobby on the first floor was full of neat employees.

Although there are some accidents, it is reasonable.

She is a senior engineer hired by thunder group with high salary. It is also appropriate for all staff of the headquarters to meet her.

"Cheng Gong, you are here!" Li Ze came to her and reached out to her, "I'm the special assistant of general manager Yan. I've seen it before."

Cheng yingxuan shook his hand politely, "hello."

Li Ze Wei Zheng, secretly thought, her hands can be really soft, skin seems to be able to pinch water, no wonder even never close to the female Yan always be taken down by her, "Hello

He took her to all the employees. Because there were too many people, he was afraid that people standing in the back row could not hear their voices. So he turned on the microphone hung in front of his ear, and the buzzer transmitted her voice to every corner of the lobby. "Everyone, be quiet. Let me introduce you. This is the new chief engineer of thunder group Cheng yingxuan, welcome

"Hello, everyone. Please give me more advice in future work." Cheng yingxuan smile, a professional dress she appears smart and capable, beautiful and elegant, but also full of air.

"Hello, Cheng Gong. I'm Huang Qi, the purchasing manager." A man in the first row introduced himself to her.

Cheng yingxuan said with a smile, "last time I met, you handed me your business card." , the fastest update of the webnovel!