Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 811

I had guessed that she would not betray him.

When he heard her say no, he was filled with joy. At the same time, he also felt a deep sense of guilt, "it's me. I was really mad at that time. Despair and anger mixed together I can tolerate anyone betraying me, which will kill them. And you, I can't bear to kill you! "

"So, should I be moved?" Her watery eyes looked at him without emotion.

He couldn't stand her unperturbed eyes. He gave a sigh and held her in his arms. "Yingxuan, you should learn to love me and trust me."

She jokingly raised the corner of her lips, leaning against his thick arms, and did not struggle, "the so-called trust between me and you is so weak."

"I'm sorry..." He bowed his head and sealed her tender crimson lips with his lips. He sucked her deeply and entangled her with her lips and tongue.

She turned her head away. "Don't do that. What's the use of apologizing? You ask yourself, when did you trust me in the depths of your soul

"It's all my fault." He felt a deep regret in his heart, "let's start afresh. In the future, I will never doubt you any more..."

She interrupted him, "twice. For the first time, we had a good time. You clearly planned to propose to me, and the time was set, but one hour before the time came, you personally withdrew the proposal from me

What he wanted to say, she covered his lips with her hand. "Although the proposal was finally carried out normally, how could the hurt be erased? Romona hated you for ruining your left face. Did you ever forgive her after you broke up? You never did until she died. "

"It's different!" He frowned.

She smiles. "Even if it's a matter of two, you've done me harm. Second, I don't know your medical records. Now you know that I didn't mean to, and I was used, so I'll apologize as if nothing happened? "

"Yingxuan..." He stared at her injured eyes, and felt a dull pain like being hit by a hammer. "Let me make up for it."

"No. Since you have never loved well, to miss is to miss. " Her heart was bleeding, too.

I mean, she's still blaming him

In fact, she was no longer angry with him.

Only the elders of the Yan family came to the door and the humiliation could be clearly seen.

Even if She had him in her heart, and she didn't want to be with him. She was always looked down upon by the elders of Yan family.

His iron arm was so strong that he seemed to crush all her bones. "I never told you why I would withdraw the proposal."

She cast a sneer at the corner of her lip. "It wasn't very clear at that time, because your mother didn't agree. Your mother thought I was interested in your money, so did you."

"No!" He snapped her off. "I never knew you didn't love my money. That's an intuition!"

She was curious. "Why?"

"A few hours before I was going to propose to you, I was diagnosed with infertility in the hospital." When he thought of the time when he knew his illness, he seemed to feel the sadness and despair at that time, "you were still working in LAN Jincheng's company. Before diagnosis, I hope you are pregnant every day, and I have sent a pregnancy test box to you , the fastest update of the webnovel!