Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 810

"I didn't know anything about you. I thought I knew you well. I didn't know so much about you. In the fear of your disappearance, I lost my head in anger as soon as I knew that you had published my case. I'm not good I'm sorry for you His eyes were full of pain.

Knowing that he had more to say, she listened quietly.

He reached out and stroked the scattered hair on her forehead. "In fact, I asked you at that time and confirmed that you really leaked my case. Although I hate and angry, I still don't want to believe that you will betray me. I hung up at that time, thinking in my heart, as long as you call again, I will listen to your explanation, and I will give you a chance. As long as you are willing to explain, I will believe you. You didn't call. "

"It's not that I didn't call, but you hung up." She states, "and then, call back, you're turned off."

"When I hung up your phone, I was shaking with anger. I accidentally pressed the wrong button. Press the "answer" button. Dr. Wei Ximing sent me a fake appraisal report, which completely shattered Xiao Bao's dream of being my own son. I was desperate. The medical record of my infertility immediately spread on the Internet. My mother called me and asked if it was true. I admitted. I don't want to answer any questions from other elders of Yan family that I can't have children. That's why it turned off. "

He scratched his hair regretfully. "It's all my fault. I should believe you."

"It turned out that I accidentally pressed my phone." She laughed at herself. "I thought you wouldn't give me the chance to explain."

"No, really, as long as you can explain, I will believe you." His deep eyes stare at her bright and moist eyes, "you have a kind of inexplicable and convincing magic."

"Yes." "You know, Xie Yang put me together to explain that I published your medical records. You know, you have almost checked it. I don't need any more explanation? "

"The man who sent you the U disk was caught by my people and was tortured to extort a confession. He told Xie Yang how to use your hand to publish my medical records."

"And the man?"

"After that, I ordered people to throw them into the sea to feed the sharks." He didn't hide it.

She knew that he was cruel and dark, and she also guessed the end of the man. "Your power is really powerful. You have found out so quickly. Indeed, I was not careful enough. I owed Xie Yang a favor before. He used this favor to let me crack the U disk. The computer used at that time was prepared by Xie Yang's people, and the virus was hidden. At the moment of cracking the U disk, the medical record was automatically released. "

She didn't want to have a misunderstanding with Yan shiting, "I didn't expect that I was still thanking foreign people and helping him with his work. He even put me together in turn."

"You didn't know in advance that the specially encrypted USB flash drive contained the medical record of my infertility, did you?" Although it is an interrogative sentence, his tone is affirmative.

"Well." She nodded slightly.

He put a kiss on her forehead. "If you knew in advance, would you crack this USB flash drive?"

"No Although she and Yan shiting can not be husband and wife, after all, he is Xiaobao's biological father, and does not want him to be ridiculed and criticized by people all over the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!