Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 781

Yan shiting was stunned by her, and her stern Yan was displeased, "I didn't do my duty as a father? You never told me that Xiaobao existed. If I know, where does my son of Yan shiting need to be raised by others? "

"Ha ha..." She sneered, "now..." You have no fertility. She swallowed the hurtful words, "now you care about Xiaobao. Of course, you say that. Think about the past When we first met, you wanted to kill me. If you had known Xiaobao's existence at that time, would you agree that Xiaobao was born? "

“……” Yan shiting was silent for a few seconds. If it was the first time that she was pregnant, he would know that she was pregnant. At that time, he did not know that he had fertility problems. He would not agree, because he was so angry that he killed her at that time.

However, Xiaobao was only half a year after that time that she was pregnant. He couldn't find her at that time, and he began to miss her unconsciously.

If I knew she was pregnant, maybe She'll be allowed to stay.

Just maybe.

The best result is that after Xiao Bao was born, he would know again.

Otherwise, he can't tolerate any possibility of abortion.

Seeing that he was silent, Cheng yingxuan had a clear idea of it. She said calmly, "you have the right to know the existence of Xiaobao. I didn't tell you. It was my fault. But I have to. If I had told you as soon as I was pregnant, you, as the father of the child, had the right not to let me give birth to him. We were in that state And I can't risk the baby in my stomach. "

Seeing this, Cheng Xiaobao nodded his head, "Uncle Yan, my mother is right. I couldn't tell you at that time, or I would be lost? When I was in kindergarten, I heard two sweeping mothers say that if pregnant women are depressed for a long time, it is easy to miscarry. Sounds like you didn't have a good relationship with my mom? In my mother's character, so strong. In case you know that she is pregnant and you reluctantly agree to leave me, my mother will not be happy when she is pregnant. If she was sad every day during her pregnancy, I would not have become a bitter gourd face after I was born? "

Cheng yingxuan picked up Xiaobao and gave him a kiss on his tender face, "or my son knows me."

"Well, if your mother doesn't say you exist, it's excusable." Yan shiting was still very angry, "but after Xiaobao was born, Cheng yingxuan, you should have told me!"

"You forget, you always said you were going to kill me!" She said coldly, "what if you deal with my baby son together? Yan tingzi, if you don't want to be your son, don't tell me that you don't want to be your son

Yan shiting was silent again.

Cheng Xiaobao's eyes were full of curiosity, "Mom, what happened to you? Why does uncle Yan want to kill you

I'm Qian, Qian, your father. Can you say that? Cheng yingxuan doesn't want to lie. He laughs, "you ask Yan."

"Uncle Yan?" Xiaobao canjing's pupil turns to look up at him.

As for the sound of Uncle Yan, Yan shiting was particularly harsh, "I am your own father, how can I call uncle? You have to call it Dad

"I used to call it that way. Now I'm not used to having a father. You can't change your mouth Cheng Xiaobao held up his flat chest with pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!