Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 780

"Miss Cheng yingxuan is not your sister..." The nurse mumbled.

Cheng angqi sneered, "yes, Cheng yingxuan is not the daughter of our Cheng family. She is not qualified to be surnamed Cheng. It means that she is a wild bastard born by Qiang and Jian, who is a vagrant old beggar woman on the roadside!"

"Miss angel, it's too much for you to say that..." The nurse thought the patient was unreasonable. She did not know who picked the uterus, it is not Cheng yingxuan's fault, so what do you hate others to do?

Besides, she felt that Cheng angqi's uterus was gone. She deserved it.

That is to say, who did not know who did not harm, that is to get what dark disease, their own doctors to help remove!

"Roll, roll, roll!" Cheng angqi roared, "you get out of here, I don't want to see anyone!"

The nurse was too lazy to argue with such a crazy jealous woman and was just about to go out.

Cheng angqi said, "the knife edge of my uterus on my stomach still hurts. I haven't taken anti-inflammatory drugs yet. Go and get me some medicine. Let me tell you, my sister is Cheng yingxuan, the future young lady of thunder group. I'm Mr. Yan's sister-in-law. You should be polite to me. "

The nurse turned her face faster than she took off her pants and was disgusted.

Can't help, the other side is a patient, still have to get her medicine.


In the living room on the 15th floor of a building in jinghongyuan, Cheng Xiaobao, sitting on the sofa, glanced at Yan shiting's calm look and asked discontentedly, "Uncle Yan, I'm your son on TV. Are you not happy?"

"Happy." Cold two words, he looks no expression. Inside, it's still rough.

However, calm down a little, there is no earlier in the kitchen just listen to Cheng yingxuan said the kind of uncontrollable movement.

Cheng Xiaobao sat on the sofa, his eyes turned. "I don't think you have any special reaction..."

"What do you want me to do?" Yan shiting raised his eyebrows.

"Even if you're not happy to jump up, at least you have to hold my mother around twice."

Yan shiting's head was covered with black lines, "turned."

"What?" Cheng Xiaobao was stunned for a second and then responded, "do you mean you're holding my mother in a circle?"


Cheng Xiaobao tooted his mouth, "why didn't I see it?"

"In the kitchen just now. Ask your mother if you don't believe it Yan shiting couldn't hide his smile in his eyes.

"Hum." Cheng Xiaobao snorted coldly, "happy to hold my mother around, that is from the heart, you should not be very reluctant?"

"Why do you ask for so much, little fellow?" Yan shiting sneered, "forget it, for the sake of you are my own son, I will tolerate you."

Natural, is again unreasonable, how to see how pleasing.

Cheng Xiaobao jumped out of the sofa and went to the dining table. "I don't want you to bear with me. This is my home."

Yan shiting was not happy, "little guy, what do you mean?"

"Uncle Yan, don't be happy too soon." Cheng Xiaobao said, "I have no emotion!"

"I'll change your name to Yan immediately!" His son can only be named after him.

"I don't want it. I'll take my mother's last name!" Cheng Xiaobao is angry.

"Your mother will also agree to change your surname to Yan..." Before he said anything, Cheng yingxuan interrupted him coldly, "I don't agree. Cheng Xiaobao will not change his surname to Yan. From his birth to the present, your father's responsibility has not been fulfilled in one day. Why do you say you can change it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!