Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 775

"Miss Cheng, may I ask..." When a reporter was about to speak, she interrupted, "I will not answer questions for the time being. I'd like to invite you to be present today, just to make you a witness. "

He stretched out his hand and compared a row of experts standing at the door of the laboratory, "these are experts on paternity testing that I invited. There are hospitals in the city, government departments, and the central government Experts from different departments have gathered together. First of all, I would like to thank all the experts for their face.

Behind me is the paternity testing laboratory of a municipal hospital. The laboratory has been installed with monitoring at 360 degrees without dead angle, and the monitoring content is so fine that it can show the condition of each cell under the microscope. Here will be the whole live broadcast of the paternity testing process and results of Mr. Yan shiting and Cheng Xiaobao. Mr. Yan shiting has a special identity. His blood has been identified many times by unknown persons, or the real identification results have been replaced. It is inevitable that this kind of situation will happen again, and the media friends, as well as the masses, have not paid attention to the continuation of Mr. Yan's blood. Therefore, I think it is necessary to arrange today's public live broadcast in order to solve the doubts in the hearts of media friends and friends who are concerned about this matter. "

Yan shiting hears the speech, the eyes of heavy lacquer brush past complex.

The meaning of what she did was clear.

She means that the identification report Wei Ximing showed him was false!

Dare to broadcast it in public? Is she clearly confirming that Xiaobao is his son of Yan shiting?

What's more, she obviously wanted the whole world to stop attacking him because he had no blood!

The strength of holding Xiaobao is tight.

The hope of his extinction is rising again.

"Miss Cheng, do you mean that your son Cheng Xiaobao is the real son of President Yan?" Immediately a reporter recognized the point.

Cheng yingxuan smile, did not answer, "based on facts, you see the results." She made a gesture to Yan shiting and Cheng Xiaobao, "please come here and let the doctor do on-site identification for them."

Yan shiting's heart was heavy and his five tastes were mixed.

At this stage, Cheng yingxuan personally affirmed that it was no longer necessary to identify. He believes in her!

Up to now, if he can't confirm that Xiaobao is his son, it's a mess!

An impulse to burst into tears.

He took a deep breath, collected the color below, and walked into the laboratory without expression.

Since she has made such an arrangement, it's up to her.

Yan shiting carries Cheng Xiaobao into the laboratory.

The doctor took the hair of Yan shiting and Cheng Xiaobao with tweezers, and took a drop of blood on each of their fingers.

"Mr. Yan shiting and Cheng Xiaobao have a hair test. In addition, a blood test is also made at the same time." A doctor took a microphone and explained, "as you can see, the process of collecting specimens is carefully monitored. It is impossible for anyone to do anything."

After collecting the specimens, there is no matter about Yan shiting and Cheng Xiaobao, and the rest is handed over to the appraiser.

Yan shiting came out of the laboratory with Cheng Xiaobao in his arms. Cheng yingxuan welcomed him and said, "baby, are you ok?"

Cheng Xiaobao showed a naive and lovely smile, "pull out a hair, tie a drop of blood, what can you do?"

"It's OK." Cheng yingxuan held Xiaobao's small body from Yan shiting's arms. "I'll take Xiaobao back to rest first." , the fastest update of the webnovel!