Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 774

Cheng Xiaobao rolled his eyes at Xiao Zheng, sat on Yan shiting's lap, looked up at him with a pure face, "Uncle Yan, do you really want to throw me out?"

The big eyes of shuigulu seemed to be filled with mist. It seemed that as long as he dared to say yes, he would immediately cry to him.

Yan shiting was defeated by this pathetic little figure, "don't listen to Zheng Wei's nonsense."

I had this plan, but I still couldn't bear it.

He hugged Cheng Xiaobao's small body and closed his eyes painfully.

Even if this little guy is not his own son, he still likes it.

Inexplicably, he is willing to be close to and love Xiaobao.

Love to even Xiaobao spit on his head, also endure!

Although Xiaobao spits to comb his hair and keep his hair from warping, it is still the same as stepping on his head in his eyes.

Cheng yingxuan aims at Yan shiting's affectionate expression of holding Xiaobao from the rearview mirror above the front side.

My heart is full of deep feelings.

He had already thought that Xiaobao was not his own son, but he was still so kind to Xiaobao.

To tell you the truth, Xiaobao is really lucky to have a father like him.

Cheng yingxuan brake, BMW SUV stopped at the gate of a city hospital.

She looked back at Yan shiting and said, "why did you bring you to the hospital without asking me?"

"I'd like to see what you're doing with all this trouble." Yan shiting's face was expressionless and did not mean to refuse, that is, he was willing to cooperate with her action.

He frowned when he saw that the outside of the hospital was already full of media.

"Hold Xiaobao, then go with me." Cheng yingxuan got off the car first.

Two rows of bodyguards blocked a road.

Numerous media reporters on both sides are waiting for interviews.

When we saw that Yan shiting got out of the car with Cheng Xiaobao in his arms, they were all surprised. A reporter immediately asked, "Mr. Yan, Cheng Xiaobao is not your own son at all. Why do you still hold him? Why does it look so good with him? "

"Mr. Yan, don't you care about Cheng yingxuan's behavior of planting a wild plant to you?" Another reporter asked.

Yan shiting Bing Sen's eyes swept in the past. Bingsen's eye knife seemed to cut people into more than ten pieces, which made the two reporters who asked questions silent.

In a second, there were too many people, and some reporters who were not afraid to die said, "Mr. Yan, as a man who has no fertility, you have been hiding in the villa for four days and dare not go out. Why don't you just hide at home for a lifetime?"

Yan shiting winked at one of the bodyguards and immediately two bodyguards dragged the reporter down and beat him severely.

There were screams everywhere.

Now the media reporters who ask questions are much more honest.

Cheng yingxuan did not stop, holding Xiaobao with Yan shiting, and under the escort of the bodyguard, they went into the elevator and went straight to the tenth floor.

There are also a lot of media on the corridor on the tenth floor.

The president of a municipal hospital and his party saw Yan shiting coming out of the elevator. "Mr. Yan, welcome. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Yan shiting raised his eyebrows, lowered his voice and asked Cheng yingxuan, "what are you doing?"

"You'll find out in a minute." Cheng yingxuan went to the door of the laboratory. There was a small platform with a microphone on it.

She picked up the microphone and said to the reporters, "Dear journalists, I am the subject of the scandal that you have been competing for so many days Cheng yingxuan. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!