Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 749

"Bodyguard Zheng, what are you doing in the air when you're naked?" Another bodyguard looked up in the yard on the first floor in surprise.

"Oh..." Zheng Wei immediately looked at the six roads and heard everything, "the scenery above is good, I look at the scenery above!"

"Xiao Zheng, are you nervous? If you don't wear any clothes, it's bad for your sight Zhang Lixin housekeeper did not know why to drink at the bottom, "you give me hurry down! Don't think you are the boss's confidant, can do what you want! What a shame

"Yes." Zheng Wei has never felt that Butler Zhang's words are so kind.

When the boss orders him to go down, I don't know when. There are more and more people watching and looking up. Fortunately, they are the servants of the Yan family, and there are no outsiders.

Otherwise, his first great name I have to leave it outside the Yan family.

It doesn't matter inside.

The housekeeper was more senior than he was, and he was right to listen to his superiors.

Quickly untie the rope on his body, "ah" screamed, Zheng Wei fell into the open space on the first floor

He didn't fall. He was only the height of the second floor. With his skill, he stood steadily,

without waiting for the housekeeper to say anything else, Zheng Wei went to the top of the third floor to get the clothes he had just taken off.


Jinghongyuan, Cheng yingxuan hung up the phone and stood on the balcony to see the scenery.

On the 15th floor, you can see the city scenery with many tall buildings.

The bright sun shines, the buildings seem to be bathed in a golden glow, adding a layer of mysterious color to the city.

"Mom, was Uncle Yan calling just now?" Cheng Xiaobao just woke up from her nap and stood behind her rubbing her eyes.

"Well." She nodded. "Why don't Xiaobao sleep more?"

"An hour's nap is enough." Cheng Xiaobao raised his head. "Why should we move back in a hurry?"

"Because you are Yan shiting's son, you can't keep the secret right away. I was thinking, "do you want to run?" She said, "it's easier to live here and run. There are too many bodyguards in the villa, so it's hard to escape."

"Running away means running away?" The tender voice is very painful.

"Mm-hmm." She's a little like an ant on a hot pot, walking around, not making up her mind.

"Xuanxuan, uncle Yan is so powerful and has so much money. With me, the goal is so obvious. Where can you escape?" Cheng Xiaobao frowned and frowned. "Besides, you're used to a good life, and you can't afford to escape and sleep in the open air?"

"I can take it, but I don't want to suffer." When you have a comfortable life, who wants to look for abuse? She asked, "baby, can you take it?"

"As long as Xuanxuan really wants to escape, I'll run with you." Cheng Xiaobao made a decision, "who makes you my mother? I can't leave you."

Cheng yingxuan was particularly moved. She held Xiaobao in her arms. "Son, we won't run away. It's OK to face him directly."

"I listen to mom." Cheng Xiaobao held her with a small arm. "My life experience is now known by Uncle Yan, and I don't know if it's a good thing. But no matter what happens, you have to believe that my son will never be robbed."

"Good son!" Cheng yingxuan was so moved that she was so sensible that she pulled her baby to the present.

At the end of the night, Cheng Xiaobao was sleeping, and Cheng yingxuan's phone rang.

She has two numbers, one is usually used, and the other is the "dark line" that she uses when she needs to search for clues. , the fastest update of the webnovel!