Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 748

"Ah?" Zheng Wei was shocked. "Boss, that will fall to death, can I not jump?"

"What do you say?"

"I'll go right away." Before the door of the book room, he did not give up asking, "do you want to fasten a seat belt and jump again?"


"Thank you boss, boss. You are such a good man!" If you can tie a rope to jump, not to mention the third floor, it is the 30th floor. He is not afraid of Uncle Zheng.

"Either jump straight, tie the rope and jump naked."

Hansen had no sound of temperature.

Zheng Wei didn't understand for a moment, "boss, what is naked jumping? It's not going to be naked, is it

"Nonsense." Throw him a sharp eye knife.

"Bo Si, you're abnormal. You put forward such unreasonable demands..." Killing eyes cast, Zheng Wei immediately change, "look at me, excited words are leakage son. You put forward such a "incomparably reasonable" request. I really have no glasses... "

I want to cry. I don't admit defeat

Crying for high salary

"This kind of abnormal request is not made by me." Yan shiting waved his hand expressionless, "go."

Zheng Wei wants to ask curiously, it sounds like this abnormal request is put forward by others? Who is so bold and dare to treat boss like this?

Cheng yingxuan's face is premiered in her mind. Only Cheng Gong has the courage.

He wanted to know, but he was afraid of talking too much. He turned around and walked to the third floor I jumped out of the building.

Standing in front of the window, Yan shiting recalled nearly six years ago.

"More than a dozen mobile phones, high-end goods It must be very clear to take your naked photos... "

"I think it's better to hang you naked with a rope outside the window In this way, we can enjoy it well... "

"That's it. I'll run out of you and hang you out of the window If he couldn't find the rope, he tied the sheets in the room into strips... "

Cheng yingxuan was so angry that he nearly vomited blood and died.

In retrospect, how can you think that dead woman is so cute?

One day

She won't be back until tomorrow.

I feel that this short 24 hours are so long.

He wanted to see her, he wanted to.

I'd like to see Xiao Bao, too.

That cute and intelligent It's basically the baby of his own son

I don't know how to see Xiaobao again. What identity should I take to see him? Thinking that Xiao Bao would call his father

His icy heart was filled with inexplicable pain.

"Ah All of a sudden, a shrill scream shook several birds in the tree.

The scream came from Zheng Wei. He jumped naked from the top of the third floor. He was tied with a rope and hung in the semi empty room on the second floor. Unfortunately, this position happened to be outside the window of the study on the second floor.

When he saw the boss standing in front of the window, he only wore a pair of boxer trousers and raised his hand to the boss naked and said, "Hi, boss! Hello! Can I do that? "

Instead of jumping directly from the third floor and breaking his leg, he chose to jump naked.

At least that's a little bit of sacrifice without getting hurt.

As the bodyguard of the boss, he should be flexible.

Of course, very clever did not ask whether or not to take off the Ku, in case the boss nodded, he was really naked.

Seeing Zheng Wei hanging out of the window, Yan shiting thinks of Cheng yingxuan's threatening words. He feels happy.

Fortunately, she admitted that she was a virgin. Otherwise, Cheng yingxuan, the dead woman, would have done everything.