Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 719

He nodded and bowed, "Miss Cheng, don't be angry. It's the young master who won't let you go out. The young master also cares about you. Mu Jia Da Shao's crazy confession to you is now the biggest hot news. Everyone thinks Xiaobao is Yan Shao's son, but mu Shao is crazy after you. This is related to I'm afraid the media will have to run after you. It is for your safety that you are not allowed to go out with the young master for the time being. "

"Everyone thinks Xiaobao is Yan Shao's son..." Cheng yingxuan heard the housekeeper's point. When Yan shiting admits that Xiaobao is the blood of Yan family, the housekeeper just said "think"

In other words, the housekeeper is well-informed and knows that there is no blood relationship between Yan shiting and Xiaobao in Jiasheng hospital.

Otherwise, the Housekeeper will not add the word "think".

Follow Yan's family.

The housekeeper is just ordered to act. Cheng yingxuan doesn't embarrass him. He takes out his mobile phone and dials Yan shiting's phone, "let your people pass. I'm responsible for the safety of Xiaobao and me. "

Yan shiting was silent.

Within 30 seconds, the door of the villa slowly opened.

Obviously he agreed to let go.

Cheng yingxuan just drove out of the villa. A group of reporters who were waiting by kept holding up their cameras to take pictures. Others rushed up and said, "Miss Cheng, I'm a reporter from XX TV station. May I ask you if you can accept the interview?"

"Miss Cheng, I want to interview you..."

"Miss Cheng, this is my business card. I'm from the newspaper office..."

A group of people ran to her car, handed business cards, wanted to stop the car.

Cheng yingxuan is good at driving. She runs through the cracks and doesn't stop at all. With a beautiful tail flick, the car disappears at the intersection, leaving only one person carrying the camera to run after the car's butt.

Be smart and drive straight after

Cheng yingxuan's license plate number has been exposed for a long time. Her car has been refitted. After driving for several turns, she presses the electric control button in the car, and the front and rear license plates turn over one side slowly and change into completely different license plate numbers on the other side.

Now I'm not afraid someone else will find her car through the license plate number.

The SUV of her model is more.

However, if you replace it with a fake license plate, you will be fined if you catch it by the traffic police

Yan shiting's woman, it is estimated that no one dares to deduct points.

As soon as the car drove into the city, the SUVs got into the rush, and those reporters couldn't find her car for a long time.

Only a black car followed Cheng yingxuan's car and couldn't get rid of it.

In other words, Cheng has no intention of getting rid of the black car.

Because this is from Yan shiting's villa, is his bodyguard.

In all the media want to interview her, it is much safer to have bodyguards to protect her.

Although, with her skills, she doesn't need to be escorted.

She would not show her skills to anyone unless she had to.

At that time, she killed several leaders of terrorist organizations. One of the leaders' brothers vowed to find out "hell angel" to revenge.

Even for the sake of Xiaobao's safety, the "angel of hell" of that year could not be found out.

Cheng yingxuan drove into the underground parking lot of Lantian building and took Xiaobao to the 68th floor roof.

The broad roof is decorated into a high-end outdoor restaurant.

In addition to the open-air table, the dining room also has a special box made of glass, in which you can see all directions through the glass, but people outside can't see into the box. , the fastest update of the webnovel!