Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 718

He found that Yan shiting's tall and straight figure was standing in front of the window and looking at it from afar. His eagle like sight was sharp and penetrating.

She seemed to see her through the air.

She shuddered suddenly.

According to Yan shiting's ingenuity, he must have guessed that the three hairs are not Xiaobao's. If you use these three hairs to identify Xiaobao's hair last time, you will find that they are not Xiaobao's hair.

At that time, Yan shiting will have to do a paternity test with Xiaobao.

That will not stop Xiaobao is the secret of his own son

She's really smart.

You're not supposed to get three hairs on the pillow.

But if you can't find a hair on the bed where Xiao Bao sleeps, there is nothing and it's unrealistic to be clean and sleek. "Too clean a scene" is also easy to suspect.

What to do is wrong.

Looking back at Yan shiting's deep eyes, she found that the secret she wanted to keep was bound to be revealed.

Maybe she should think about how to run away with her son?

Shaking her head, a woman with a son is too obvious. Even with the help of high-end technology, you can dress yourself up as a man, and then you can dress up as a little girl.

How are they all big and small, or eye-catching.

Six years ago, Yan shiting sent people who couldn't find her, because they didn't know her real face and voice, and had nothing to do with her.

Now it's totally different. He has too many things in his hands.

With Yan shiting's power, even if she hides in the ends of the earth, she can't escape.

What's more, she managed to accumulate some family property in Chenxia. She didn't want to escape.

At present, only one step is a step.


Is it possible that Yan shiting will not rob Xiaobao's custody?

"Mom, lemon trees are ready!" Cheng Xiaobao covered the roots with the last handful of soil in his hand. He stood up and clapped his hands. "The trees bought from outside will be transplanted alive, and they will be able to eat their own lemon next year."

Cheng yingxuan touched her son's head. "The tree planted by Xiaobao must live. You have to water it when you have time


The little guy nodded and looked up at his mother. "Xuanxuan, I have something to tell you."

She guessed about what her son was going to say.

Before, in the hall on the first floor, my son said that he would not do identification again. He was afraid that he was hiding the answer for her.

If you're right, the son is going to ask who his father is.

She squatted down, fingertips of the belly of the finger gently touched the small face of small treasure, "you go to wash your hands first. The little hands are covered with mud. "

"OK." The little guy said seriously, "if I want to ask, it may not be convenient to say it here." "Mom, uncle Yan's villa has a lot of monitoring We'll go outside in a moment

The little figure ran to the hall on the first floor.

Cheng yingxuan looks at her son's back and feels deeply.

Xiao Bao is so sensible that she shouldn't keep it from him.

Two minutes later, Xiao Bao turned back and washed his hands clean.

He took Cheng yingxuan's hand. "Mom, let's go out and play."

She nodded slightly, went to the parking space in front of the villa and drove her SUV out. Xiaobao was sitting in the front passenger seat.

The car drove to the gate of the hospital and was stopped by the bodyguard.

She rolled down the window. "What do you mean?"

"Miss Cheng, you and Xiao Bao can't go out for the time being." Said the bodyguard respectfully.

She frowned. "What did Yan shiting tell you?"

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