Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 714

The elders of the Yan family really don't think the children except Cheng Xiaobao are like him.

"Cheng yingxuan, you're wronging people. I just look at Xiao Bao like Shi Ting..." CEN Sufen quickly explained.

"I think Xiao Bao doesn't look like him at all." She strongly denied it.

Yan shiting snapped his fingers, and a male servant knowingly held a box of open cigars.

He picked up a cigarette and put it between his forefinger and middle finger, and the servant lit the fire.

Yan shiting took a puff of smoke, and the smoke curled away.

The cold look was thoughtful.

In Jiasheng hospital that day, Cheng yingxuan pulled out Xiaobao's hair in front of him. Her hair was under a small remnant leaf at her fingertip. Could she change Xiaobao's hair in that moment? Is she so quick?

Cheng yingxuan glimpses Yan shiting's expressionless face from the corner of her eyes.

This man is too enigmatic.

It is estimated that there is something wrong with the hair sent for identification at that time.

It looks like she's going to have to do something about it.

"Shi Ting, I suspect Cheng yingxuan is going to plant Xiaobao as your son." CEN Sufen suddenly suggested, "I think it is necessary to do another paternity test. Maybe the last time Xiaobao was identified as your son is not accurate. Is it possible that she has tampered with the identification certificate? "

The last identification result is that Xiaobao is not Yan shiting's son. Yan shiting cheated the elders of the Yan family to say "yes". He burst into laughter. "My mother said it very well. I also think it should be reexamined."

His words made Cheng yingxuan's scalp numb.

Once again, if you don't do anything, Xiaobao is Yan shiting's own son. You can't hide it from him!

She did not dare to persuade him not to reevaluate, otherwise he would be guilty, and he would do the opposite.

I almost broke into a cold sweat.

Knowing that Yan shiting was staring at herself, she did not dare to take it lightly.

"Good!" Cheng yingxuan nodded her head and did not show any abnormal reaction. "If Mr. Yan suspects that the result of the last appraisal is not accurate, you can do it again."

Yan shiting was disappointed by her generous attitude.

If she is nervous and afraid to let Xiaobao do paternity test with him again, he will think that she has a ghost in her heart.

It is necessary to make a second evaluation.

However, Yan shiting thought that the doctor said that he had no living sperm, even five or six years ago.

He couldn't have made her pregnant nearly six years ago

Xiaobao was not pregnant until half a year later.

Being barren is a pain for his whole life.

A second appraisal would only disappoint him once more.

His heart was full of bitterness and complexity, but there was nothing on his face.

Cheng yingxuan's attitude made Cen Sufen mistakenly think that Xiaobao must be Yan shiting's child. After all, she did not know that Yan shiting cheated her into saying "yes" as a result of "no blood relationship".

As a result, Ms. Cen changed her face again, "yingxuan, if you want to identify it again, don't be angry. The lineage of Yan family can't be confused by obscure children."

"All right Li shouts, tender and dignified, comes from Cheng Xiaobao.

Everyone's eyes were on him.

Cheng Xiaobao said solemnly, "Xuanxuan, when did I have a paternity test with Uncle Yan? Why don't I know? "

“……” Cheng yingxuan doesn't know how to explain it.

Cheng Xiaobao thought for a while and then said, "I know, it's in Jiasheng hospital in the United States. A few days ago, you once said to help me take the dead leaves off my hair, but you actually pulled out my hair. "

My son is so clever. Cheng yingxuan did not hide from him, "yes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!