Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 713

"Ghosts want to marry into the Yan family." Cheng yingxuan disdains to hook her lips.

Just pretend. CEN Sufen doesn't believe that she doesn't want to marry Shi Ting, otherwise she pesters Shi Ting till noon yesterday afternoon?

I didn't believe it was her son who pestered them.

Because she has just promised Shi Ting that she can't find Cheng yingxuan's fault, CEN Sufen just smiles at Cheng yingxuan's words.

In order to prevent the elders of Yan Family from discovering that Xiaobao is not his own son, Yan shiting does not intend to let Xiaobao live in his old house. "Xiaobao lives here. Ms. Cen please go back."

"But..." CEN Sufen was flustered. "I won't take Xiaobao back to my old house. Your grandfather will be very angry!"

Yan shiting also knew that old master Yan wanted to hold great grandson too much, "well, as long as you don't get too much with the old master, you can come and see Xiaobao occasionally. When I'm free, I'll take Xiao Bao to Yan's old house for dinner

"This..." CEN Sufen was embarrassed and knew that her son had made the biggest concession, "OK. I want to be here with Xiao Bao today. "

Seeing Shi Ting's displeased face, she immediately said, "I promise I won't scratch you and Cheng yingxuan."

"Granny, you seem to forget that this is my home." Cheng Xiaobao kindly reminded again, "Uncle Yan of this villa has been transferred to me. You want to live here with my permission! You can't just ask him! "

CEN Sufen was thinking, Xiaobao said that it's not good to be born ting. How can a child be allowed to step on his head with the tyranny of the world Ting?

Waiting to see Xiao Bao cleaned up.

I didn't know. I waited for half a minute.

Son that if nothing happened, really let Xiaobao step on his head?

It's really It was as gloomy as red rain.

"So what? The villa was sent by Shi Ting." CEN Sufen wants to tell Xiaobao that if he has guts, he will return the villa Contact Shi Ting's warning eyes, she didn't dare to choke, instead she said, "why, my son also gave you the villa. Baby, do you know how expensive this villa is? If you were not for his son, no one would give you such an expensive villa. Xiaobao, let me live here, will you

"Not good." Xiaobao shook his head. "Besides, grandma, my mother said my father had been in heaven for a long time. Your son is still alive. Are you sure and sure that I am your son's son? "

Yan shiting's face was stiff.

Thinking that he and Xiaobao's paternity test results were negative, a pain spread from the chest.

CEN Sufen looked at her son's stiff face, and a bad premonition emerged from her heart, "shiting, what Xiaobao said should not be true? Don't you mean that Xiaobao is your son

"Enough!" Yan shiting gave a sharp drink, "you don't believe it. There's no need to ask more! "

CEN Sufen was so scared that she looked at Xiaobao and said, "how could Xiaobao not be your son? How much does he look like you? The eyes, the momentum, the eyebrows, the nose, the skin It's like everything else. It's just like it's printed in one mold! "

Yan shiting and Qirui's eyes are fixed on Xiaobao's handsome and lovely face. Listening to his mother's saying, it seems that he is a bit like him.

His eyes narrowed and turned to the side of Cheng yingxuan. The meaning of his eyes was very clear.

Let her explain!

Cheng yingxuan's face was turbulent and she cast a sentence, "your mother is crazy about her grandson. I guess it's a kid. It looks like you. "

Yan shiting agrees with the first half of the sentence, and the second half , the fastest update of the webnovel!