Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 709

Even if he forced a billion to her account, she returned.

I'm afraid she won't accept the gold card this time.

Seeing that she didn't return the card to him, the corners of his lips sparked a smile. She finally agreed to accept his card, is not the representative, she has acquiesced to be his woman?

She staggered out of the door, walking like an egg in her leg.

He asked anxiously, "do you want me to hold you..."

"No!" She quickly shook her head. "It's OK to show it to others."

"What does it matter to others?" Better let the whole world know that she is his!

"Is Xiaobao downstairs this time?" She saw that he wanted to forcibly hold himself, and looked at him warily against the door frame. "It's bad for children to see."

He looked at her defensive movements perfectly, "so afraid of me?"

She said with dignity, "no more. Go to dinner, I can walk

He fondly stroked her bright forehead, "can't help but hold you, help you go down the head office?"

She insisted, "that's a shame. I'll go by myself."

"I can't see that you are such a silly girl." He couldn't screw her, and if he went on consuming it, he was afraid that she would be so hungry that he said, "OK. I'll follow you and catch you when you fall. "

She gave him a big white eye, how could she be so useless!

With her head raised and her chest raised, she wanted to stride bravely and bravely. Her legs were sour and her legs were weak at every step. Her heart was surplus but her strength was insufficient.

It's all due to Yan shiting's excessive demands that she suffer so much now.

Fortunately, thanks to the devil's training in the organization, she has always been healthier and more hardworking than ordinary people.

Even before the fierce, but also can endure.

From dawn to noon, she had a good sleep and replenished her strength.

When I went down the stairs, I saw a group of servants in the living room looking at her. She immediately took the mast step, so that no one could see her footstep was empty.

Several servants who were busy in the living room looked expressionless. Cheng yingxuan could still see a kind of banter in their eyes.

She and Yan shiting have been locked in the room since yesterday afternoon, and the fool knows what they are doing inside with the door closed.

You're all ready to see her, right?

She'll take it as if nothing happened.

"Mom, you've finally come out of the room!" As soon as she got down to the living room on the first floor, Cheng Xiaobao ran over from the sofa and threw herself at her.

She had not eaten for so long that she was dizzy with hunger.

Xiao Bao almost lost her footing with this attack.

Yan shiting helped her in time, but she didn't fall.

She gave him a vicious look.

It seems to tell him with his eyes, don't think he helped her, she will thank, you know, the culprit who made her stand unstable now is him!

Yan shiting didn't care about her fierce eyes, because her beautiful face was so pleasing to the eyes no matter what expression she did.

Maybe this is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Xi Shi is not enough to describe his Cheng yingxuan.

Because his yingxuan is very beautiful, absolutely more beautiful than ancient beauties.

"Uncle Zheng Wei said that you and uncle Yan discussed" serious matters "in the room, and no one was allowed to disturb you." Xiaobao's tone was very naive, "Mom, uncle Yan, what serious things are you going to do for such a long time? Don't eat for two? "

"Cough!" Yan shiting pretended to cough to cover up embarrassment, "adult affairs, children don't care." , the fastest update of the webnovel!