Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 708

"You can talk to anyone who answers."

"Dead woman!" He patted her on the ass.

She was in pain. "Dead man, dare to hit me!"

She was, and still is, not afraid of him. At most, sometimes I'm afraid of being killed by him. I just compromise.

After all, he is so good at it.

"A man who beats his own woman is not a thing." He put his hand on her ass and patted it again, which was full of punishment. "Is this still called beating you? Do you have a conscience? "

The handsome face vaguely approached her, "make clear the situation, it's pain you!"

She complained discontentedly, "is there such a pain method?"

"It was a real blow from me..." He glanced at the window and said, "you can fly out of the window."

“……” With his physique and courage, she fully believed in his ability.

"Dare to say that I am a paper tiger, ordinary people have long been flying into bliss." His handsome face was close to her pretty face, and his eyes were burning again. "Tell me, how can I punish you?"

For her, he is never enough!

She knew that he was like an insatiable beast, and she pulled his sleeve in a courteous way, "from yesterday afternoon to dawn this morning I'm just so upset by you I'm so hungry now... "

In his cold lacquered eyes, there was heartache indeed, "I'll let you off for the time being. We can go downstairs and get ready for lunch. "

"Well. Then go. " She walked two steps towards the door, remembering something, went back to the bed and took out a black gold card from under her pillow.

Yan shiting gave it to her in bed half an hour ago.

She slipped it under her pillow, took it out and played with it. "How much money is on this card?"

"You can pay as much as I have on my account." He answered casually.

"A few billion, tens of billions?" Just ask her.

"This amount can't blow up my account. Don't worry."

Shit! Her eyes shine, tens of billions of cards can't be blown!

His promise is more important than gold. His money is calculated in the hundreds of billions and trillions. With this card, he will never work, open n companies, or work. He will be rich and rich, and be addicted to money That's a lifetime of crash, no matter how you squander, can't spend money.

She's salivating. In my mind, I imagine the frankness of using hokkari's money

"Yan shiting, you are too generous!" She felt that Jinshan Yinshan was pressing on her. Kill her with money!

I'm a little regretful that yesterday I had a dispute with him for $1.2 billion. Let's see how generous they are.

His handwriting is quite different from hers.

He gazed at her beautiful face and vowed solemnly, "Cheng yingxuan, everything I have is yours."

A simple word, more than yesterday Mu Yu Feng a turn advertising also make her moved n times. Is that the charm of money?

It seems that money, regardless of gender, no one likes it.

She saw the seriousness in his sharp eyes.

She knows that men like him never commit easily, and promise to count.

In other words, he is sincere.

She is not a liar. She has her dignity and pride.

It's because he really treats her.

She was reluctant to use his money.

He gave the gold card, she can only take heart.

The card has not been returned to him now, for fear that he will not take it back.

Yan shiting used to give her valuable jewelry and land, but she refused to take them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!