Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 706

"You're a little smart." "I'll never forget that day," he admitted

"Unforgettable to want to draw my tendon, peel my skin." She spread out her arms. "I don't have any clothes on now. If you want to peel, just peel it."

His dim eyes heat.

She didn't have to turn around. She knew what he was thinking by the glowing sight behind her.

She got up and got out of bed. She wanted to get up. Her legs were so weak that she could hardly stand still. She almost fell down.

He quickly helped her.

"No need of your help!" It's safe to stay away from him.

She staggered into the bathroom and immediately tried to close the door.

He quickly blocked, while the door closed before the body into the bathroom, smile mark malicious, "how, so afraid of me?"

"Who is afraid of..." She was obviously physically far from him, "Yan shiting, I'm really tired."

He knew that she couldn't bear one more time. He beat her and held her up.

She exclaimed, "Yan shiting, I said Can't come back... "

He put her in a bathtub with seven minutes of warm water. The water in the bathtub was put by the way when he poured the clean water for her.

Now the temperature and fullness are just right for a bath.

She drowned herself in the bathtub and stopped crying.

"No more what? Well? " There was an imperceptible smile in his gloomy eyes.

"Oh, you mean it!" She scolded, "you obviously don't want to, but deliberately hold me, let me misunderstand you want to..."

"I still want to." He said in a low voice, "it's just that you're useless. I'll just give you a rest."

"You just..." Without two words in his warning eyes, she swallowed it raw.

Kill her also know, can't say a man is useless.

Besides, few men can compare with Yan shiting's ability in that respect.

"What am I?" He asked, slightly narrowing his eyes.

"I mean, you were very considerate," she quipped

Of course, he knows that she is joking. She knows his "ability" most clearly. Seeing what she has not said shows that she is afraid.

I don't care about her, "do you want me to take a bath for you?"

She waved again and again, "No. I'm so hungry that I'll stick my chest to my younger generation. I'll just soak it up a little, and you'll take a bath as soon as possible. After washing, go to dinner. "

After a day and a half without food, he knew she was really hungry.

So is he.

However, he was willing to stay in bed with her, even if he starved to death. I'm afraid she can't stand it.

Let her go first.

So he went to the tap next to him for a shower.

Cheng yingxuan immersed in the warm water of the bathtub, enjoying his white skin, strong body and perfect lines

"When I was in Jiasheng hospital, I watched you take a bath from the monitor while driving. When I found out, you immediately blacked the video." She enjoyed the picture of a beautiful man coming out of the bath and recalled that time.

Yan shiting takes a bath fast. He has just finished the shower and uses a white bath towel around his waist.

Hearing her words, his nervous eyes shot toward her. "You called the next day and said that you almost had an accident in order to watch me take a bath. Is that true?"

"Yes." She shrugged indifferently.

"Cheng yingxuan, I don't want you to do anything!"

"It's ok..." She said, "it's just a little bit close. I've done nothing with other car insurance." , the fastest update of the webnovel!