Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 705

She closed her eyes. How long have you been awake? " She asked softly, only to find her voice hoarse.

"Two hours." His voice was low and powerful, which might be the reason why he had a sleep from dawn to noon. The physical strength consumed from yesterday afternoon to dawn had already been made up.

He picked up the lost and decadent mood, anyway, he had a lifetime to let her fall in love with him.

Distressed by her hoarse voice, he frowned again, "all blame me for asking too much, which made you hoarse."

"You say it!" She scolded with shame.

"I'll get up and pour you a glass of water..." When he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, he saw that her whole body was covered with blue and purple marks, all of which were made by him. It was really distressing.

However, he still has no regrets.

Who made her hungry all these months.

Of course, he had to come for half a day yesterday and one night last night.

Out of his arms, Cheng yingxuan suddenly felt not used to it.

Or, she wants to continue to be held by him.

Yan shiting

She had him in her heart after all.

He brought a cup of warm water back to the bed, and she almost had no nosebleed.

Because he didn't wear clothes and swayed in front of her naked. He was tall and straight, with strong muscles, and there was no fat on his whole body. His proportion was better than that of Western European models!

He sat by the bed and helped her to sit up.

She quickly wrapped herself up in a quilt and sat up again. It was only when she moved that she found that the whole body was aching. The bones all over her body seemed to be torn apart again and again. She couldn't help but cry out.

He asked thoughtfully, "uncomfortable?" Deep cold full of gentle tone is affirmative, "you drink some water first, I will massage for you."

She drank a whole glass of the water he had fed, and he asked, "would you like more?"

"Well." She was dying of thirst.

He poured another glass of water, and after she finished the second, she felt much more comfortable in her voice.

Look at him. Put the cup on the head of the bed.

He went back into the quilt and pressed his big hand on her shoulder.

The strength is not light or heavy, and it makes her feel comfortable.

She suddenly thought of something, "do you charge for a massage?"

He was dumbfounded, ordered her pretty small nose, "silly girl, really think I want you that little money?"

"Hum!" She snorted coldly.

In fact, he really wanted it, and she was willing to give it.

He is still the father of her children.

However, it's hard to avoid the pain. After all, she felt that it was impossible to be with him. She was a person who crawled out of the dead and was not naive.

Not together, give back the wool?

Two hundred million Not too extravagant is enough to eat and drink for a lifetime.

Well, regardless of it, the villa he gave Xiaobao is worth more than 200 million yuan.

She took advantage of it.

He reached out and picked up the trousers he had taken off yesterday. He took out the wallet from his pocket and gave her a black gold card. "Here you are."

"What?" She took a glance.

"You can swipe your card whatever you want."

She picked up the card and played with it in her hand. "Yan shiting, a few months ago, you hit a billion yuan on my account. Although I returned it to you, this time, how much is the card? "

"This is the secondary card of my main card, and the password is..." He made her lie on the bed and continued to massage her back.

She felt a little strange when she heard the six digit number he reported. After thinking about it, she suddenly said, "this is not the date of the first time I've ever had you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!