Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 684

Listen to her breathing. It's not so smooth.

Yan shiting knew that she was pretending to be sleeping, but he did not expose her.

Does her willingness to stay quietly in his arms mean that she is not so heartless?

After a while, Cheng yingxuan's brain became more and more dim, and her eyelids became more and more heavy. After a while, she really fell asleep.

He looked down at her beautiful face, thinking that she had gone far and wide with Xiao Bao to the hospital in San Francisco to accompany him for so long, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Looking at the seat, she couldn't sleep well.

This kind of ordinary medium-sized plane has no passenger's bed. I knew he forced her to get on his private plane directly. There was everything on it, which was more comfortable than living in a suite.

He adjusted her seat to recline, and then his seat was side by side so that he could lie down and hold her.

Fortunately, the chairs in the first class are also comfortable to lie on their back.

I thought about letting her sleep in the stewardess' temporary bed, but it was as small as a coffin box. It was narrow and small, so I didn't care.

When she had been sleeping for an hour or two, he put his hand on her waist and back and gently massaged her to avoid backache after she woke up.

Cheng yingxuan's body has been in a position for a long time in her sleep, and she is not feeling well. Suddenly, a pair of gentle big hands gently help her to knead and press. The strength is moderate, which makes her particularly comfortable. The big hands turned to the rest of her body, almost touched by him.

Although it is covered with a wide blanket, the movement of the hand under the blanket is still visible.

As if she had found something, the stewardess, who were waiting beside her, turned around with a blush and envied Cheng yingxuan's good luck that could be seen by President Yan.

Cheng yingxuan may subconsciously know that the owner of the hand is not malicious. She is too comfortable to move and sleeps more heavily.

Caressing her body, Yan shiting's deep eyes flashed with heat, cherished her, and didn't want to disturb her. Her clear thought gained the upper hand. After all, he ate some tofu on his bare hands without any further action.

About five or six hours later, she woke up and opened her eyes to see the white

Far away, he was lying in Yan shiting's arms, his face resting on his firm and flat chest. The white one was his shirt.

"Awake?" His deep male voice was slightly hoarse.

She sat up straight, raised her hands into small fists and rubbed her eyes. "How long did I sleep?"

"Five hours and forty-eight minutes."

She took a glance at the seat which could not be completely flat, and found that she had slept in an uneven position for so long without any discomfort in her whole body.

Thinking of his big hand massaging her in her sleep, she was slightly moved by his consideration.

It seems that

When he pressed for her, his hands were not so secure

Frowning, she said nothing. Anyway, she had done that kind of thing with him for a long time, and it was no affectation to be touched.

Yan shiting also sat straight with him. In order to make Cheng yingxuan sleep well, he almost always maintained a posture, and his whole body was numb.

Cheng yingxuan looks at his cold face

Correctly speaking, only his right face can be seen. His left face, which has been adjusted, is still wearing the black gray mask.

Although he had no expression, he still guessed that he was stiff after lying in one position for a long time.

She knew he didn't move to get her to sleep well.


I feel a little sad for him, but I can't express it.

Yan shiting stood up, walked to the middle of the plane corridor, twisted his neck and arms, bent his wrist with heavy fist, and moved his muscles and bones in a handsome posture. , the fastest update of the webnovel!