Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 683

"Haha, mom, you're so young, you don't have wrinkles at all, OK?"

"I like your praise of my youth. It's better to add youth, beauty and loveliness... "

"Mom, you have such a thick skin..."

Mother and son were so happy that they ignored Yan shiting as if he were the air.

Yan shiting waved to Cheng Xiaobao, "come here."

Xiao Bao remembers his mother's words and keeps a distance from him. He looks at his mother timidly.

Cheng yingxuan held Xiaobao from the seat beside her in her arms, "don't go."

"Cheng yingxuan, what do you mean?" Yan shiting is really angry.

This dead woman wants to run away from him, even if she doesn't let Xiaobao get close to him?

It's really tolerable, but it can't be tolerated.

He's got a lot more to settle with her!

"Are you still angry with me and think I didn't stay you in Jiasheng hospital?" There was no temperature in his tone.

He originally wanted to see if she left, would he have nostalgia for him, even if she did not return to the ground and did not say, but also let him eavesdrop on her, afraid he would be implicated!

How could Yan shiting implicate her?

Even if he was attacked on the hospital operating table, he was confident that he could protect their mother and son!

He's really pissed off!

No woman flattered him in every way. She was the only one who ran away in a hurry.

He didn't keep her because he made up his mind to go back with her. Why should he stay?

Cheng yingxuan said coldly, "I have nothing to do with you, who is angry with you."

"Very good!" He clenched his teeth, Hansen's eyes fixed on her, so angry that he almost stabbed two holes in her body.

For ordinary people, already scared urine, Cheng yingxuan look no waves.

No one spoke any more, and the flight attendants were trembling to deliver food to Cheng yingxuan's mother and son.

After the meal, she and Xiao Bao looked out of the small window of the cabin. The plane was flying on the boundless white clouds, which made people feel as if they were in the heavenly palace. The scenery was very beautiful!

Soft white clouds like marshmallow want to let people bite.

Xiaobao didn't want her mother to hold her for a long time, so she went back to the seat beside her and sat down.

Unconsciously, both mother and son fell asleep on the chair.

The flight attendant takes a blanket and wants to cover them. Yan shiting comes over, reaches for the blanket in her hand, and gently drapes it over Cheng yingxuan and Cheng Xiaobao.

His eyes fixed on her beautiful little face, angry, lost, love

Mixed emotions.

He has the impulse to strangle her, but also want to crush her under the body, mercilessly love!

He did not know how many times he tried to restrain Wang from rising.

Holding Xiaobao to the next seat, he sat next to Cheng yingxuan.

Cheng yingxuan's alertness is not waking up, but pretending to sleep.

Sometimes, she really doesn't know how to face him.

He stretched out his long, strong arms, trying to hold her in his arms for fear of waking her up.

The plane bumped against the airflow, and Cheng yingxuan's head leaned toward his shoulder.

Yingxuan wanted to sit in a proper posture, afraid that he would find himself pretending to be asleep, so she leaned on his thick shoulders and did not move.

Yan shiting took advantage of the situation to hold her delicate body in his arms. A sense of spiritual satisfaction grew and filled the whole heart.

He took a deep breath. Only when she was in his arms could his empty heart feel at ease.

No matter how she refused, he must hold her, own her, even if she was forced to leave! , the fastest update of the webnovel!