Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 666

Cheng yingxuan is helpless.

The water is too deep to enter Yan's door.

If she thinks so, it will not be long before the term of office of the current president will be over, and Yan shiting's father, Yan Song, may take over the next president, and it is necessary for the Yan family to get married.

Yan Song and his wife Cen Sufen have a good relationship, only Yan shiting has a son.

The marriage depends on Yan shiting.

Although Cheng yingxuan also got through some relations secretly in zhengtan, she couldn't help much more than the election campaign.

Yan family will not let Yan shiting have the freedom of marriage autonomy.

Although, she believes that Yan shiting will not be controlled by anyone, she is also arrogant, can not help people, can not drag the Yan family, is not it?

What she hopes is to be able to keep pace with the man she loves, at least not to become a burden.

Yan shiting was born noble. His personal ability and the background controlled by him were deep like the sea.

According to the secular, it's not her. Cheng yingxuan has several money that Yan shiting doesn't count as Mao, so he can go to high places.

Love Sometimes there are some, but not enough.

In the pupil of her bright and clean eyes, there was a trace of bitterness that Yan shiting didn't notice.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Yan shiting continued, "Cheng yingxuan, don't leave me, OK?"

She looked at the light in his eyes, paused for a moment, and then slowly opened her lips: "there was a fate six years ago. We met again six years later, and we started to have it." Forced by him, "no matter how we started, I'm serious. I thought we had a good time. Ever since you stood me up before you proposed, we've come to an end. "

"On the night of the proposal, I contracted the entire advertising screen of Chenxia. Although I repented before the proposal," he regretted that he would not propose to her, but he regretted as soon as he said, "but the proposal is broadcast normally You should understand that I want the proposal to continue. "

"I'm a man who has never been slapped and coaxed with a sweet jujube." She didn't have any expression on her face. "Even if the proposal was broadcast normally, you said to cancel it before the broadcast. Then, we'll have a thorough play from that moment. It's not that you say continue and continue!"

If he can cancel it, he will be affected by other factors.

She used to be a killer. If she was exposed, I don't know if negative news can be tolerated by him.

The pain in Yan shiting's eyes is deep. God knows how painful it is to make the decision to cancel the proposal.

It is because he found that he has no fertility, even if medical assisted reproduction, it is completely impossible, impossible to have half a living sperm.

He was afraid that he could not give her a child, or that she would dislike him.

He did it for her good.

But without her, he found that there was no point in living without her. Even if he could not give her a child in his life, he would also domineering her life!

Until now, he can't say he's infertile.

Just because she said she liked children and wanted them.

His left face has been destroyed. She can't let her know that he can't even do what a man can do!

His heart ached to the point of suffocation.


A, his hand glass water cup is pinched by him burst, do not know unconsciously, with how much strength.

Cheng yingxuan slightly surprised, secretly surprised that he even squeezed the cup burst, do not know how good skills hidden? , the fastest update of the webnovel!