Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 665

A feeling of heartache spread in her heart, as if with him and pain.

As long as a century later, he finally let go of her, with a faint pleading in her voice, "Cheng yingxuan, don't worship him, don't think about him, don't remember him!"

She understood that he was talking about Xiao Bao's biological father.

I'm afraid it's very difficult, because Yan shiting sways in front of her every day. He also puts her under house arrest in disguise. He keeps her in the ward for 24 hours to accompany him. Don't you remember?

Do not remember feelings, hate also have to remember.

Feeling his inner pain, she could not bear to hurt him again, "OK."

"So happily promised?" Doubts flashed through his deep painted eyes.

She casually made an excuse, "after all, people can't live in the past for so many years."

He raised his big thick palm and pressed it on her white cheek. "Thank you for forgetting him."

A man who once owned her was almost mad at the thought that her body had been touched by other men.

He has already despaired, if she still thinks about other men in her heart, God knows whether he will live jealousy to death, God knows if he will be angry to pull her to hell!

But he was sad to find that he also had a trace of thanks to the man, because the man gave Cheng yingxuan Cheng Xiaobao such a good son.

Because Cheng yingxuan wants a child, Yan shiting can't afford it, and he can't bear to deprive her of her right to be a mother.

What happened in the past can't be repeated. If he can choose, he would rather not let her be a mother all his life, nor let other men touch her.

Man is a contradictory animal.

Cheng yingxuan sees the crazy possessiveness in his eyes, and is probably jealous that she was touched by Xiaobao's father. Well, if she told him that he was the only man she had ever been, I wonder if he would be happy and mad?

Unfortunately, it's a secret that can't be said.

"Why thank me?" She didn't quite understand.

His voice was a little distant. "Not everyone can forget the past. For example, I have a woman that I can never forget, no matter how many years have passed. "

"Oh." She nodded. "That's right."

She got up, picked up the kettle on the cupboard and helped him soak a cup of boiled water.

He likes to drink black coffee, which is very bitter. He should not drink it during convalescence. She only gives him boiled water.

He was a little annoyed at the way she didn't care. "Don't you ask me who I can't forget?"

"Your business has nothing to do with me." She handed him the glass of water. The water temperature was moderate and could be drunk immediately.

He took the cup, the stiff knuckles obviously forced, almost did not crush the cup, "you will make me angry!"

Glancing at her impassioned face, he took a sip of water, and forced his anger down. "Six years ago, since we I'll never forget you. "

In a simple sentence, he clearly said that the woman in his heart was her.

And no matter how many years will not forget, will only remember more deeply!

To tell you the truth, Cheng yingxuan is very moved in his heart, otherwise he would not pour water for him.

It's just that she never liked to express her feelings.

I don't want to have too much to do with him.

Yan shiting's heart is a bit depressed. This dead woman is like a stone covered with no heat. I don't know if she really doesn't care about him or if she hides too deeply.

Always annoyed to make him want to strangle her impulse! , the fastest update of the webnovel!